MTG Wiki

The year 2001 was the ninth year of existence for Magic: The Gathering.

Events[ | ]

Date Event
Early 2000 The Dojo closes down.
January Peter Adkison resigns from Wizards of the Coast.
February The Wizards of the Coast Game Center closes down.
February Last edition of TopDeck magazine
February, 2-4 Pro Tour Los Angeles. Won by Michael Pustilnik.
February, 5 Release of Planeshift.
February, 21 The Guru program is discontinued.
March, 16-18 Pro Tour Tokyo. Won by Zvi Mowshowitz.
April First Magic content on
April, 11 Release of Seventh Edition.
May, 4-6 Pro Tour Barcelona. Won by Kai Budde.
June, 4 Release of Apocalypse.
June, 21 Release of the Magic: The Gathering computer game created by Saga.
August, 8-12 2001 World Championships in Toronto, Canada, won by Tom van de Logt.
  • Team champions: United States of America.
September, 7-9 Pro Tour New York, won by team Phoenix Foundation (Kai Budde, Dirk Baberowski and Marco Blume).
October, 1 Release of Odyssey.
October, 5-7 Magic Invitational in Capetown, South Africa. Won by Kai Budde.
November, 2-4 Pro Tour New Orleans, won by Kai Budde.
  • Michelle Bush first female player to place in the top eight at an individual premier event.
December Release of the 2001 World Championship Decks.
December Release of the Deckmasters 2001 box set; two decks designed by Richard Garfield and Jon Finkel.
Player of the Year: Kai Budde
Rookie of the Year: Katsuhiro Mori

Publications[ | ]

First involved[ | ]

Wizards of the Coast[ | ]

R&D[ | ]

Artists[ | ]


Seventh Edition


  • Bob Petillo


  • Jeff Remmer
  • Justin Sweet
  • Keith Garletts
  • Rick Farrell