MTG Wiki

Gods' Hall Guardian
Race Cat
Birthplace Starnheim, Kaldheim
Lifetime Mending Era

Aggressor is a giant cat from Kaldheim, and a guardian of the Gods' Hall of Starnheim.[1]

Description[ | ]

Aggressor, or "Aggro" for short, is a Gods' Hall Guardian on Starnheim, and effectively a pet of the Valkyries. He is a huge, fluffy cat whose fur mirrors the storm clouds hanging over the feast. His fur and eyes shimmer with a polar light, reminiscent of the light that sparks off Valkyries' wings, suggesting a mystical or divine nature. Aggressor is at least twice the size of a regular cat.

Aggressor's personality is curious and elusive, showing an interest in Niko Aris as he led them through the crowd and into a quieter hall. This behavior indicates that Aggressor is more than just a pet; he has a purpose or mission, acting almost as a guide. He interacts comfortably with the Valkyries, accepting scritches and showing affection.

History[ | ]

Aggressor played a role in guiding Niko through the feast and into the presence of the Valkyries. The cat's actions indirectly helped Niko to make their case about the impending threat of the Cosmos Serpent Koma to the Valkyries. Aggressor's keen awareness and actions led Niko to the heart of the Valkyries' gathering, where they witnessed the terrifying arrival of Koma, reinforcing Niko's warnings about the looming danger. Despite his ferocious name, Aggressor ran off to shelter in the rafters upon Koma's appearance.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Aim Through the Target Setsu Uzumé 2021-01-15 Kaldheim Kaldheim Niko Aris, Vígniút, Thura, Gæller, Aggressor, Avtyr, Evot, Tove, Gisla, Alsig, Rytva, Koma

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:

References[ | ]

  1. a b Setsu Uzumé (January 15, 2021). "Aim Through the Target". Wizards of the Coast.