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Race Demigod
Formerly Human
Birthplace Theros

Anikthea, Hand of Erebos, is a demigod of Erebos on Theros.

History[ | ]

Before becoming a demigod, when Anikthea walked among the living, she was known as an ambitious monster slayer whose thirst for greater prey never seemed to wane. She served on the Council of Warriors and was groomed by its councilors, veterans, and advisors to lead the polis of Setessa. As part of this mission - and to prove herself to her fellow warriors - she set out to slay Cirkis, a witch living in the despairing lands who had cursed the fields of Setessa with blight. Their fight was said to be legendary and decisive and in the end, Anikthea claimed the witch's head as proof of her success. Unbeknownst to her, however, the witch had been working in the service of Erebos, who saw Anikthea's deed, and before she could return triumphant to Karametra, stole her away to Agonas, dragging her down through the mouth of Cirkis as she slept.

In the Underworld, Erebos pitted his champions one after the other against Anikthea, allowing no rest between bouts as punishment for her crime against him, but she refused to fall. Erebos, entertained by this, eventually came before Anikthea and offered her a deal: fight her way to the surface and win her freedom. Anikthea obliged. She cut a swathe through the Underworld, leaving a trail of monsters that remains to this day, known as The Wall of Anikthea. For what would be five days and five nights on the surface, she fought all manner of terrible beasts. Over time her desperation to get home waned: each monster was a greater opponent than any she had encountered in life. As she slew them, she saw in their accursed eyes the same desperation that burned in her: reach the surface. Be free. Only, they desired to free themselves to consume her home, not to return to a peaceful life. One by one Anikthea slew Erebos's beasts, and once she stood before the gate to the surface, she called upon Erebos to offer him a deal: she would serve Erebos as long as she could return home to protect her people when they needed her most. Now she eternally quells the riots of the deceased hordes in The Underworld, granted partial divinity by Erebos to help her accomplish her mission. Alone, Anikthea serves Setessa from the shadows, battling the greatest foes that the mortal world could ever offer her, to protect the mortal world from the monsters that lurk below the surface.[1]

In-game references[ | ]

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