MTG Wiki

Race Human
Birthplace Dominaria
Lifetime The Time of Legends

Arcus was a member of the High Council of Mors Ridge and the wizard of the town. He told Red Donald the Legend of Mors Ridge, and taught magic to Ad’amra. When the Battle at Mors Ridge started, Palladia-Mors’s horde of orcs and undead attacked the city. Arcus cast a spell, transforming Ham from his false human form into his original form, the Elder Dragon Chromium Rhuell. He then gave Ad’amra a map that led to the cave where Rhuell went after the battle against Palladia-Mors and Vaevictis Asmadi during the attack.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Elder Dragons #1-2 Art Holcomb April - May 1996 Legends Dominaria Red Donald, Ham, Arcus, Ad'Amra, Palladia-Mors, Chromium Rhuell, Vaevictis Asmadi, Rogus, Faralyn (mentioned), Stella, Jacob, Gwilliam, Balgot

Sources[ | ]
