MTG Wiki

Assar Ihmad
Assar Ihmad
Race Human
Birthplace Zendikar

Assar Ihmad is a human soldier ally from Zendikar.

History[ | ]

Assar Ihmad is a blademaster that is said to be a loyal and trustworthy fighter. He is far from stealthy in his heavy armor but considered sharp of eye and known to be unmatched with the sword. He currently spends much of his time looking for work in the relatively civilized outposts of Murasa and other towns but he originally cut his adventuring teeth in the thickly forested canyons of Kazandu.[1]

In-game references[ | ]

Depicted in:

References[ | ]

  1. Doug Beyer (November 4, 2009). "Ally Cuisine". Savor the Flavor. Archived from the original on January 11, 2010.