MTG Wiki

Race Human
Birthplace New Argive, Dominaria
Lifetime Mending Era
Center: {W}

Sir[1] Baird is a soldier, one of several stewards of New Argive. He is a skilled combatant and a keen scholar.[2][3]

History[ | ]

Far to the west of Benalia, on the shattered continent of Terisiare near the spreading Yavimaya forest, the land of New Argive keenly remembers the devastation of the Phyrexian Invasion three and a half centuries ago. Baird is the paragon of New Argive's noble warrior class. Strong and stern, he maintains a constant watch against threats from the mountains, the forest, and even the sea. But the Argivians value education as much as they value martial skill, and Baird's knowledge of this land's history is unsurpassed.[4]

Baird was one of New Argive's stewards charged with keeping watch over threats to the nation. He was among the first to call for investigations into the possibility of the Phyrexian menace. In his homeland's darkest hour, Baird swore allegiance to the Coalition.[5]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Return to Dominaria: Episode 8 Martha Wells 2018-05-02 Dominaria Dominaria Chandra, Jaya, Prossh, Baird, Karn, Multani

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:

References[ | ]
