MTG Wiki

Creature Type
(Subtype for creature/kindred cards)
Beeble Scale 10 (by definition)
5 cards
{U} 100%
1 Beeble creation card
{U} 100%
as of Unfinity
Scryfall Search

Beeble is a creature type describing a magical construct similar to a Homunculus, which is used by the researchers of the Tolarian Academy as a convenient, easily summoned demonstration subject.

Description[ | ]

They are small, slightly larger than a fist, have bare, rounded bodies ranging in color from pink to grey-blue, and a set of feathered wings. They are permanently cheerful, even infuriatingly so, mischievous but not maliciously so, and seemingly indestructible (though they can be unsummoned). Because of their irritating and bewildering nature, students loved to use Beebles in practical jokes, and Teferi once tied a pair to his feet to bounce tremendous distances.

Creative history[ | ]

Beebles are based on artist Jeff Miracola's cover for The Duelist #22 where Squee was harassed by the creatures.[1] Miracola reused them as depiction of souls on the card Equilibrium. The first card to bear the type was Bouncing Beebles (Urza's Legacy), designed by Mark Rosewater.[2] The only other cards with the creature type are Bubbling Beebles (Urza's Destiny), Bursting Beebles (Unhinged), Blurry Beeble (Unstable), and Bamboozling Beeble (Unfinity). The flavor text of Bursting Beebles claims that "the beebles quit Magic for several years following the release of the Mercadian Masques set."[3]

Beebles are depicted on several other cards, including Donate, Wizard Mentor, and the Exodus version of Nausea. In Unhinged they were also used in the art of Topsy Turvy and Sauté, and in the flavor text of Fraction Jackson.[4]

Mark Rosewater stated that Beebles were only to be seen in supplemental products in the future.[5] Unsanctioned, for instance, featured the planeswalker B.O.B. and a Beeble token[6], while Unfinity featured Pick-a-Beeble.

Notable beebles[ | ]


References[ | ]
