MTG Wiki

Creature Type
(Subtype for creature/kindred cards)
Beeble Scale 9[1]
5 cards
{W} 20% {B} 40% {R} 20% {W/U} 20%
as of Unfinity
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Child is a creature class used for cards which depict a young creature. It was an acorn type until Unfinity which introduced it on an eternal legal card.

History[ | ]

Child debuted as a creature type in Unhinged. Like other silver-border types that debuted in that set, it originally appeared in the Comprehensive Rules but was removed in the Grand Creature Type Update. However, it has continued to see use in subsequent un-sets like Unsanctioned. In Unfinity it was introduced as an eternal legal type with Wee Champion.

While the subtype is now legal for premier sets, Mark Rosewater doesn't expect it to be used on future designs.[1]

Notable Children[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

Refrences[ | ]
