MTG Wiki

Creature Type
(Subtype for creature/kindred cards)
18 cards
{W} 50% {U} 50%
as of Unsanctioned
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Cyborg is a silver-bordered creature type used for cards that depict persons whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body.

History[ | ]

Cyborg was introduced and so far has been exclusively used for the Unstable Order of the Widget faction cards. When asked if the type would ever be used in a future set, Mark Rosewater stated that they may examine using it if a set had a character that was strongly a cyborg.[1] However, it was later noted that the Doctor Who card Nardole, Resourceful Cyborg was created as an artifact creature of the type Scientist without the Cyborg type, which he stated didn't bode well for the type.[2] Though following this it was also noted that its exclusion may have just been due to the length of the type line rather then any final decision on the Cyborg type.[3]

Trivia[ | ]

References[ | ]
