MTG Wiki

Douglas Shuler
General Information
Born September 28, 1945
Status Inactive: Alpha to 9th Edition
Style Digital
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artist:"Douglas Shuler"

Douglas Shuler, sometimes mistakenly credited as Douglas Schuler, is an artist whose work has appeared in a variety of publications and projects. Shuler has illustrated works associated with Magic: The Gathering and is one of the original 25 Magic artists who contributed works to the Alpha and Beta core sets.

Career[ | ]

Shuler has been a professional painter for in excess of 20 years and has worked for numerous gaming and media companies, including Lucasfilm, Paramount Pictures, the Syfy Channel, TSR, and Wizards of the Coast.[1][2]

Shuler's work for Magic has earned him worldwide exposure and launched him into new areas, including digital art, portraiture, and video game development.

Shuler uses acrylics, airbrushes, computers, pencils, and oil paints.

Notable illustrations[ | ]

References[ | ]

External links[ | ]
