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Dwarven traders
Dwarven Trader
Founded on The mountains of Ulgrotha
Status Unknown
Notable members Halina
Races Dwarves
Associated Colors

The dwarven traders of Ulgrotha are a tribe of land dwarves. They are originally from a different plane and arrived on Ulgrotha through a stable subterranean planar gate, which they found excavating from gems and minerals.[1]

Description[ | ]

They founded the underground city of New Freedom in the depths of the mountains of Ulgrotha.

The dwarven traders are known for riding into battle on the back of great canines called heart wolves. They eke out their holdings in the crags and cliffs of Ulgrotha and use their ruthless trading skills to keep fed and stay alive in their hostile surroundings. Despite this, they have lost many of their numbers to Sengir's Dark Barony through the years - most infamously, the princess Irini.

History[ | ]

They stayed in the mountains when Baron Sengir took control of the Castle of Morning Light and New Freedom, vowing to eventually reclaim the castle. In contrast, other dwarves decided to start anew as seafarers, setting out across the ocean. Because of this perceived abandonment, the dwarven traders are not fond of these 'sea dwarves' - but the two factions are not directly hostile toward one another either.

Ominously, Grandmother Sengir has traded away the Apocalypse Chime to a Dwarven Trader for a few trinkets, and warned the Trader never to ever let it be rung. What happened to the chime after that is unknown.[1]

In-game references[ | ]

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