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Race Human
Birthplace Epityr, New Argive, Terisian Isles, Dominaria
Lifetime War with Phyrexia
Born 3980 AR
Died 4000 AR

Edgur was a man from Epityr who lived during the War with Phyrexia, on the plane of Dominaria.

History[ | ]

Edgur was born in Epityr but traveled to Argivia to work as an apprentice to the Guild of Coppersmiths. After falling in love with a woman named Riliana, he was challenged to a duel by another courter, Joren, who easily defeated Edgur in a duel. On his way back to the city, the dejected Edgur was accosted by the panther warrior Aga, who harried Edgur until he stumbled into a clearing where the nature spirit Dare waited for him. Dare offered Edgur healing, aid in getting back to the city, and an emerald that could turn Edgur into a bear. Accepting the aid, Edgur returned to his home and challenged Joren to another duel. After being tossed out of the inn, Edgur used the emerald and turned into a bear. He returned to the inn, slaughtering Joren and his men, and some random patrons of the tavern. Before he could use the emerald to change, however, the townsfolk of Argivia massed on him, chasing him through the streets and finally killing him. The day after, his corpse returned to its original shape, and Riliana realized to her horror that the bear that had killed her fiancé was Edgur.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Setting (plane) Featuring
The Colors of Magic Jess Lebow and various February 1999 Dominaria Kotara, Sabul Hajeen, Axdan Hajeen, Multam Ilmiera, Tartesk Hajeen, Yirtag Ilmiera, Eskander Ilmiera, Otori Ilmiera, Ferren Tynlo, Finroy, Rhindle, Evara, Jerod, Duke Devareux, Thaddeus, Shaboo, Lord Rothchild, Lady Rothchild, Lord Barsus, Sir Udo, Ariel, Jorgensen, Joren Homdallson, Edgur, Artulle, Riliana, Meckie, Embric, Dare, Phreus, Perrick, Aga, Penkin, Tanton, Varno, Adal, Temken, Gwenna, Armand Ar-basinno, Latavino Bar-bassanti, Squee, Sarapinna Machieve, Krank, Fizzer, Druze, Quilk, Farf, Elkan, Groth Jonar, Varchild, Lavash, Jel, Tramas, Michand, Tayva and Loria, Brucius, Tomaya, Ebnezzer, Winton, Crucias, Gheiri, Elgia, Nunieve, Biggs, Damon, Sabra, Jervis, Annarais, Wane, Dumoss, Annise, Feldon, Loran, Drafna, Hurkyl (mentioned), the Archimandrite (mentioned)

References[ | ]

  1. Paul B. Thompson - Versipellis, The Colors of Magic (1999), Wizards of the Coast