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Creature Type
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Beeble Scale 1[1]
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{W} 2.7% {U} 1.6% {B} 7.7% {R} 0.6% {G} 61.3% {U/B} 0.9% {B/R} 0.6% {R/G} 2.5% {G/W} 6.6% {W/B} 0.8% {U/R} 0.2% {B/G} 6.2% {G/U} 4.7% {M} 3.3% {artifact symbol} 0.2%
43 Elf creation cards
{C} 2.3% {B} 14% {G} 60.5% {G/W} 14% {B/G} 4.7% {land symbol} 4.7%
as of Alchemy: Karlov Manor
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For the acorn creature type, see Elves (creature type).

Elf is the green characteristic creature type. They are ubiquitous throughout the multiverse, second in prominence throughout the many worlds only to humans.[2][3][4] Because of this, Elf is the characteristic race for the color green.[5]

Storyline[ | ]

Most elves are similar to humans in size, shape, skin tone, and hair color, only with pointed ears.[6] Some elves have very distinctive physical features, such as blue or green skin or elongated limbs.

Most elves live far longer than humans, though how much longer varies by plane.[6] Eladamri was over 150 years old and considered to be in his prime. Ravnican elves not only live far longer than humans but also mature faster; it is unknown if this is common to all elves or just those of Ravnica.

Elves typically live in forests and are close to the land. In the game itself, many elves produce additional mana. They can be found in virtually every plane throughout the multiverse. To date, Amonkhet, Bloomburrow, Kamigawa, Ixalan, Ikoria, Mercadia, Rabiah, Tarkir, Theros, and Ulgrotha are the only natural planes to have no known races of elves, and only small portions of some of these have been seen. Elves were once present on Innistrad, but were driven to extinction.

The former subtype Rider (Elven Riders) is incorporated into the Elf race.

Alara[ | ]

Called Canopy Elves by the plane's humans and Vinewalkers by its nacatl, Alara's elves refer to themselves as the "Descendants of Cylia,"[7] or Cylian Elves after their first high priest Cylia.[8] The elves of Alara only inhabited Naya while the Shards of Alara were separated, but after the Conflux they are free to roam the whole plane again.

Except for Anima and her court, the elves move around the jungle in loosely organized groups based more on friendship than bloodline.[8] All swear allegiance to the Anima and make frequent pilgrimages to the Sacellum for advice on how to keep Progenitus from killing them. The elves are constantly on the move. They use up all available resources and then find a new home. Wanat trees are the major year-round food source. Their nuts are high in protein and their flowers make an energy-enhancing drink. Elves don’t keep much property, but what they do have is ornamental with fine details and embroidery. Elves are territorial, but in a convoluted sense, with shifting allegiances and complicated boundaries. There's an elven saying about leaving their handprint in the air; it's the idea that by living somewhere for a time, they then claim fleeting ownership over that area of the canopy.

The elves live in brightly colored silk tents that are set at sharp angles in the trees. Elves congregate around dewcups, pools of water that form in the canopy's giant ferns.[9][8] There are many of these oasis-like gathering places in the canopy, and it is here that the elves camp. With abundant resources, it’s not difficult for elves to find enough to eat, so a lot of time is spent on social interactions. If one group runs into another, everyone sits inside the silk tents, has a glass of lotus drink, and talks for a long time. At the end of such a meeting, it's customary to make a verbal exchange of all their worldly possessions, immediately exchange them back, and watch to make sure that the other group moves an acceptable distance away.

The high priest of the elves called the Anima, is chosen from a line of female druids who have proven that they have a connection with the gargantuans.[8] The Anima, currently Mayael, lives with her attendants in the Sacellum, a living cathedral that serves as the spiritual center of the elves' culture.[7] With walls of roots, vines, and leaves, the Sacellum is a cavernous room with holes cut in the canopy and draped with colored silks, letting colored light filter into the space. Flowers grow out of the walls, and a host of small jungle animals — lemurs, small cats, tiny fawnlike creatures — make this place their home.

The elves worship the gargantuans of the plane, believing that the behemoths' actions are signs from Progenitus, an enormous five-headed hydra who sleeps under the ground in the Valley of the Ancient.[10][8] The elves constantly monitor the steam that rises from three vents on the floor of the valley, which they believe to be the breath of Progenitus himself, for signs of his stirring.[11]

Godtrackers are warriors who track the movement of the gargantuans through the jungles and mountains.[8] They ignore all territorial boundaries and tend to stir up fights with humans and nacatl wherever they go. The best warriors of the elves, they will kill anything that gets in the way of tracking a gargantuan. They report back regularly to the Anima.[11]

Epicists write epic accounts that record the behavior and battles of the garguantuans based on reports from Godtrackers.[8] This oral art form is the historical memory of the elves, and one that allows the Anima to better understand the will of Progenitus.[11] The elves see the humans as spiritual infants and are willing to help keep them from getting squished by the gargantuans, but they’re not so sharing with the Nacatl, prefering the Nacatl stay in the mountains and stop wandering in the lowlands.

Valley Wards constantly watch the Valley of the Ancient and monitor Progenitus's breathing from treetop camps spread throughout the valley.[8] Alone for days at a time, valley wards communicate with each other by playing music on wooden pipes. These haunting tunes echo across the misty valley and are a language understood only by those who devote their lives to serve as stewards of a sleeping god.[11] They are also known to carry glass lanterns containing a colorful viscous liquid that rises as it heats, staves for hooking jungle animals, and masks for good fortune.[8]

Avishkar/Kaladesh[ | ]

The elves of Avishkar are deeply in tune with the flow of aether and the subtle ways it influences and shapes the natural world.[12] Their inventions are inspired by nature and in turn they inspire others, offering a vision of progress that is elegant, efficient, and harmonious with the Great Conduit's aether patterns.[13] While most of them were not aligned with the Consulate, several live in Ghirapur and supported its infrastructure, seeking to preserve the status quo and allow the aether cycle to turn. Only in rare cases did they take part in politics or resistance movements. In exchange, the Consulate granted them large judicial autonomy. Elves are tried under the Sunlit Path, an ancient code of conduct that has a variety of laws and punishments that seem minor to outsiders, but are viewed as harsh by the elves themselves.[14]

While the Avishkari Elves do not organize themselves into tribes, certain factions have arisen. The Vahadar are the ones most regularly seen, as they do not shun the city and the company of other races, enjoying the prospect of taking part in the multi-faceted cycle. The Bishtahar faction instead dwells in rural regions, focusing on the interplay between aether and flora. The Tirahar have shunned technology completely, choosing to withdraw into the unclaimed wilderness of Avishkar.[15]

Avishkari Elves, and possibly those of other planes as well, have a higher alcohol tolerance than other organic sentient beings.[16]

Capenna[ | ]

Elves on New Capenna have a pair of small-to-modest-sized horns growing from their foreheads (as opposed to the larger ones demons sport). They are primarily associated with the Cabaretti family.

Dominaria[ | ]

Terisiaran Elves[ | ]

Argothian Elves[ | ]

The Argothian elves were originally inhabitants of Terisiare's mainland, but fled the continent after the arrival of the Thran.[17] lived on the forest island of Argoth from as early as the time of the Thran up until the Sylex Blast.[18]

During his exile, Yawgmoth turned the Creeping Mold of Argoth into a virulent plague that ate away the elves there. He also kidnapped their priestess, Elyssendril Lademmdrith, and her healers, ordering the elves to pay ransom for their leader and their cure. When the elves paid, he delivered only sweetened water and 12 dead healers to them.

Elyssendril survived and was later part of the delegates sent to Halcyon on behalf of the Thran Alliance against Yawgmoth. During this time it was mentioned as she was of the Daelic elves, and that she represented a vast confederation of woodland nations on the Domains. Since Argoth is not part of the Domains, this is a bit of a mystery (though it might merely be that, like some real geographical terms, where the Domains precisely begins and ends is vague).

When, millennia later, Harbin stumbled upon Argoth, he was helped by an Argothian elf. However, this proved the doom of the island, for Harbin told his father Urza of the island. Urza soon traveled to it to use it for resources in his war against his brother Mishra; the Brothers fought over Argoth in the last campaign of their war. The elves and other forest dwellers fought valiantly, but ultimately they were all destroyed when Urza activated the Golgothian Sylex. The following Sylex Blast completely decimated the island, leaving only a small part behind that would later become Fyndhorn.

During the Dark, the descendants of the Argothian elves, the elves of the Shattered Isles, frequently hired themselves out as mercenaries to the humans of Terisiare, for it gave them an opportunity to vent their hatred of humankind in battle.

Fyndhorn Elves[ | ]

The Fyndhorn elves were the survivors of the Argothian elves.[17] They were slightly more open than their ancestors, engaging in diplomacy with the humans of Kjeldor via the Juniper Order. When the Ice Age ended and the sea level rose, Fyndhorn was swallowed by the sea. Kaysa and Jaeuhl Carthalion led the refugees to Yavimaya.

Yavimayan Elves[ | ]

Yavimayan elves have very spindly, elongated limbs. One notable difference between the elves of Yavimaya and those of other parts of Dominaria is the connection between the elves and Yavimaya itself. While all elves have strong ties to the land, the elves of Yavimaya are actually part of a hive culture, sharing the thoughts of Yavimaya simultaneously with their own. During the third phase of the Phyrexian Invasion, part of Yavimaya was displaced to Urborg. It is currently unknown if any elves from the Yavimaya "colony" are still living. Lord Windgrace is now the leader of the displaced portion of Yavimaya. In addition to the spindly, telepathic elves of Yavimaya, the forest also seemed to be home to some "normal" elves as well, including some barbaric elves with a warlike culture.

Modern Yavimayan elves are Kavu riders. Cast out by the enraged spirit of Multani, the Yavimayan elves now live as exiles, with the largest group surviving in the ruins of Kroog on the outskirts of the forest.[19] Under their leader Meria, they joined The Coalition against the Second Phyrexian Invasion.[20]

Now that Multani has calmed, the elves are free to return to Yavimaya. Most have made the journey, but some have remained, having formed bonds of friendship or marriage with the humans of New Argive.[17]

Elves of the Domains[ | ]

Black Elves[ | ]

Black elves were elves from the the Domains who lived in the forest of Glenar. They fought the forces of Red Donald and were forced to flee. They managed to poison him, but he recovered.

Daelic Elves[ | ]

When Elyssendril Lademmdrith was sent to Halcyon on behalf of the Thran Alliance against Yawgmoth, it was mentioned that she was of the Daelic elves and that she represented a vast confederation of woodland nations on the Domains. Since Elyssendril was a priest of Argoth, which lies on Terisiare and not in the Domains, this was likely a mistake on the author's part.

Llanowar Elves[ | ]
Llanowar Elves

Llanowar Elves

Up until the Phyrexian Invasion, the Llanowar Elves were very xenophobic, and lived in seven kingdoms, called elfhames, in the forest of Llanowar. They worshiped the planeswalker Freyalise as a goddess. Warriors among the Llanowar elves, especially the Order of the Steel Leaf elite, wear distinctive white skin-paint, tattoos, goggles, and a mohawk.[21][22]

The Llanowar elves stand between five-and-a-half and six feet in height. They are generally slender with pale, brown, or even metallic-colored hair. Their eyes are quite narrow and their teeth slightly pointed, giving the elves a feral appearance. Elves remain youthful looking throughout almost their entire lives, with only the ears hinting at their age (the longer the ears, the older the elf). Only in the last decade or so of an elf's life does he or she begin to show signs of aging.[23] Those who avoid death can easily live to be a thousand years old. These elves are revered "millenaries" and their personal memories often outstrip the accuracy and depth of human accounts.[24]

Savaen Elves[ | ]

The Savaen elves live in Savaea, a forest on an island to the southeast of Aerona. Savaen culture placed great importance on the purity of the land. They had a brief era of prominence during the Dark.

Skyshroud Elves[ | ]

The Skyshroud elves were one of many species and races transported by Phyrexians to Rath upon the artificial plane's creation. Much like everything else on Rath, their origins are lost to time. During the Rathi Overlay, the Skyshroud forest planeshifted to Keld, where the elves took up the worship of Freyalise. It is as yet unknown what happened to the elves after their goddess's death and Skyshroud's destruction in the Time Spiral crisis. Many of the elves of Skyshroud had pale gray or bluish skin with faint splotches on the sides of the face. As Dominaria's mana was sapped by time rifts, most Skyshroud elves became sickly and emaciated due to malnutrition.[25][26]

Whispering Wood Elves[ | ]

The elves of the Whispering Woods allied with the druid Greensleeves in her war against wizards.[27]

Caliman Elves[ | ]

Norwood Elves[ | ]

The elves of Norwood inhabit the distant island-continent of Caliman on Dominaria. Norwood elves are very tall and have much longer ears than most other elves. They conflicted with the humans of the Talas, and their warriors sometimes rode moose into battle.

Corondor Elves[ | ]

Quirion Elves[ | ]

The Quirion elves of Corondor were great allies of the forces of good. Their culture produced many explorers, and their magic was attuned to every color of mana. The Quirion elves were organized into numerous different clans, each with their leaders, called exarchs. Many Quirion elves, followers of the human wizard Mangara, immigrated to the southern continent of Jamuraa.

Calthyn Elves

The Calthyn elves are a clan from the White Woods of Corondor, part of the Quirion Sovereign. They lived close to the River Estolade and were enemies of the Kieryn elves, who they fought to decide which tribe had the right to speak with the Great Spirit. One of their leaders was Exarch Finovar.

Kieryn Elves

The Kieryn clan from the White Woods of Corondor, were part of the Quirion Sovereign. They lived near the River Estolade and were enemies of the Calthyn elves, who fought over the right to speak with the Great Spirit. The Kieryn used wingcapes to fly through the forest. They were led by Exarch Amadis, and met with Kristina of the Woods and Jared Carthalion.

Jamuraan Elves[ | ]

As noted above, many Quirion elves migrated from Corondor to Jamuraa's northwestern subcontinent. In addition, a race of elves, some with dark brown skin, dwelt in Jamuraa's southern regions, near the Empire of Madara.

Sarpadian Elves[ | ]

Havenwood Elves[ | ]

The elves of Sarpadia dwelt in the forest of Havenwood. When food supplies ran low because of the coming Ice Age, the Havenwood elves infused their fungus with magic to increase their growth, inadvertently creating the monstrous thallids, who overran the elves and caused their extinction. Havenwood elves looked much like elves elsewhere. Some of their warriors wore distinctive blue body paint.

Tamingazin Elves[ | ]

Garan Elves[ | ]

The Garan elves lived on the highlands at the edges of the Tamingazin Valley.[28] They could easily be mistaken for humans, as they were very similar in appearance — lacking even pointed ears. It was said that this ancient race possibly had a common ancestor with humankind. The main characteristic setting the Garan elves apart from humans was their great natural beauty and their wide eyes whose irises changed color according to their mood. Garan elves were also very deadly warriors, fighting solely with their bodies and relying on their speed, agility, and martial arts. Weapons were forbidden in their culture, and an elf who used them would be executed. They could be very brutal toward their children, attacking them occasionally with fatal blows to teach them self-defense, killing those who were unable to defend themselves, and ensuring that only the strongest children survive. They believe that in the afterlife they will find themselves in a place they call Tarak Ah. The history of the Garan elves before their arrival in the Valley is unknown. Some tales say that the Garan elves once used weapons, very long and flexible swords which could be used almost like lashes. None could stand against them, but one day conflict arose between them, and civil war almost engulfed their race. The survivors swore never to use a weapon again and to kill those who dared. The Garan has a strict hierarchy, the full name of every member is comprised of his or her first name followed by the rank.

Otarian Elves[ | ]

Wirewood Elves[ | ]

Many people from the northern hemisphere fled to Otaria after the Phyrexian Invasion of Dominaria. The elves among these mainly came to live in the Wirewood Forest. The elves lived in a state of symbiosis with the native beasts and insects of the forest. When the Mirari started spreading its mana waves over the continent, many of the elves mutated; most became spindly creatures with plant-like features, while some became hulking brutes with barklike skin.[29] It's unknown if all Wirewood elves were mutated, or if the mutations bred true.

Duskmourn[ | ]

Before the Ascension, the elves of Duskmourn lived in various forests across the planes and disagreed with the use of technology by the world's humans.[30] One such forest, the Rotrue Wood, was ruled by a king, and was the last place outside the House to be devoured by it.

Eldraine[ | ]

Most Eldraine elves are lithe and stand just shorter than a human, with a range of skin tones and tall, pointed ears. They bear keen, quick expressions, and have an innate connection to the natural world.

Locthwain elves[ | ]

The court of Locthwain is ruled by Queen Ayara, an ancient elf from the days of the former Elven Kingdom on Eldraine.[31][32] There are more elves in the court, which is noble and graceful. They wear elaborate headdresses and elegant attire.

Elves of the Wilds[ | ]

The elves of the Wilds have little in common with their kinfolk who have stayed in the Realm. They wear crowns of flowers and leaves in their hair and have clothing woven of flax and thistle. They are adept at hiding among the trees and attuned to the mana of the forests. Most elves move through the woods in small bands of hunters, gatherers, and druids, though some still reside within crumbling forts and overgrown castles that dot the wilds.[33] Some of these elves actively hunt humans, just as they hunt deer and boars in the forest. Some call themselves knights, though the Realm would not recognize them as such. They ride giant foxes and wolves so they can bound through dense forests faster than any horse.

Elvish druids, respected for their wisdom, are the leaders of elf bands. When situations arise that concern the elves as a group, a council of all the druids convene to solve the problem. No single druid holds authority over the council, but by longstanding tradition, the five eldest druids hold seats of honor—representing the five magical sites of their ancient realm.

Redtooth Keep is one of the last elven citadels in Eldraine.[33] Its inhabitants were cursed to become werefoxes each night.

Fiora[ | ]

Elves on Fiora appear to be centered in their nation, including the port city of Trest, away from the High City. The current ambassador to the High Court of Paliano is Leovold of Trest, who has taken an interest in installing another elf, Selvala, as the head of Paliano.

Kaldheim[ | ]

The elves of Kaldheim live in the realm of Skemfar. The elves used to be gods, the Einir, before being replaced by the modern pantheon of the Skoti.[34] After their defeat, the leaders of the elvish Einir were imprisoned inside trees and the race was split into two clans: Wood elves (green aligned) and Shadow elves (black aligned). These two factions were alienated from each other for ages until recently, when an elf named Harald united the warring clans and named himself king. The elves are looking to reclaim some of their lost glory, and the reunification of their society is a step toward that goal. Wood elves tend to have a more powerful and muscular build than Shadow elves.

Kaldheim elves carry weapons and wear armor made from an ancient, bronze-like metal. Each weapon is custom smithed for a single elf and is carried through that elf's lifetime, then melted down and re-shaped for the next generation.

Kylem[ | ]

The Elves of Kylem rely on exquisite fighting techniques in combat and are known for crafting elegant and durable weapons. Although elves are less charismatic than other champions, the crowd of Valor's Reach loves watching them for their sheer fighting artistry. The stadium was founded through the patronage of elven founders, and they are the "old money" of Cloudspire City.[35]

Lorwyn-Shadowmoor[ | ]

Lorwyn[ | ]

Nath's Elite pic

Lorwyn Elves

The elves of Lorwyn are the dominant race of the plane. They refer to themselves as the "Blessed Nation" or "The Blessed". Unlike other elves, they are a brutal race of supremacists who hide their savagery behind a facade of beauty and sophistication. They are obsessed with physical attractiveness to the point of writing laws concerning it, and believe that those who do not meet their standards of perfection (including all races other than themselves) deserve nothing but extermination.[36] The elves divide themselves into numerous tribes and castes, the most powerful of which is the Gilt Leaf. Lorwyn elves are tall and thin. They have ram-like horns (males' horns being longer than females') and cloven, deer-like hooves in place of feet. Unlike any other known race of elves, those of Lorwyn have relatively short life spans of about 30 to 40 years.[37][38]

There are four official castes of Lorwyn elves, determined by their measure of beauty and cunning:[36]

  • Faultless
    • Any elf who possesses the minimum threshold of beauty and grace is granted this basic rank.
  • Immaculate
    • Dignitaries, VIPs, and higher-level functionaries among elves attain the rank of immaculate.
  • Exquisite
    • Packmasters (lords of elvish hunting packs) and important courtiers are of exquisite rank. They have the privilege of being able to speak directly to perfects.
  • Perfect
    • The perfect are elves so beautiful and so shrewd that they rule all other elves. There are only a few of these in the world. Perfects can kill those of low rank with impunity (Note: This rank is "perfect" and not "prefect").[39]

The Blessed Nation is ruled by male and female "High Perfects". The current monarchs, as well as all High Perfects in living memory, have been of the Gilt Leaf tribe. Non-elves colloquially refer to the High Perfects as the "king and queen".[40]

Lorwyn's elves are distinguished by their cultivation of a white flower called moonglove, from which can be derived a potent poison.[36] This poison is deadly even in small amounts, taking down even towering giants. In precisely controlled, highly diluted trace amounts, its necrotizing properties can be used to etch or carve living tissue — such as skin or bark. Also, unlike the elves of other planes, Lorwyn's elves view nature as "something to be improved, cultivated, and if necessary, rearranged."[41]

The elves of Lorwyn often hunt "eyeblights", creatures who fail the elves' exacting standards of beauty, and therefore have the lowest status in their eyes. But sometimes, instead, they create "vinebred" minions from such creatures. For this, the elves can animate a parasitic plant called nettlevine to bind around their victims, creating twisted, but powerful and eminently controllable minions.[42][43]

Shadowmoor[ | ]

In Lorwyn's counterpart, Shadowmoor, the elves are the only race that embraces a quest of preserving what they consider beauty. Physically they remain mostly the same except their horns, which are covered in thorns.[44] Likely living similarly short lives as their Lorwyn counterparts, Shadowmoor elves are considered adults at 14.[45]

Shadowmoor's elves live in physically and magically fortified homesteads called safeholds. Safeholds are usually located in trees, and the oldest and largest safeholds are built into trees that stand on small hillocks called shee knolls. A shee knoll is an ancient gravesite, where the souls of elf warriors and druids lie slumbering. The soil around a shee knoll is sterile, providing a clear meadow that makes sneaking up on a safehold difficult. If a safehold is destroyed, the shee knoll beneath it remains, creating a twisted reflection of the defeat suffered by the elves. Rarely, the ghosts of elvish dead haunt these places.[46]

Elves seek out examples of beauty in the world, including creatures, objects, and places. If the elves find a beautiful location, they establish a safehold there and attempt to protect it from harm. The elves also steal or capture creatures and objects to bring them to their safeholds to preserve them.[46] Elves known as safewrights are dedicated to this endeavor.[47]

Mirrodin/New Phyexia[ | ]

Viridian Elves[ | ]

The elves of Mirrodin were not native to that plane but were instead drawn therefrom some other world by Mirrodin's mad guardian, Memnarch.[48] The Viridian elves resided in the vast copper forest known as the Tangle. They were staunch enemies of the myr and other artifact creatures. The elves held the Radix as a holy place and looked to the trolls of Tel-Jilad for spiritual guidance. They were in conflict with the vedalken of Lumengrid and their drones. Viridian elves were marked by their bright green or pale white skin, while the mycosynth growing within the plane caused them to grow intricate plates and spikes of copper across their bodies.

Many of those who survived the Vanishing called themselves the Resurgents, and organized themselves into groups called "gades," short for "renegades."[49] They performed a ceremony known as the Ritual of Rebuking, in which they renounced their own memories.[50]

Phyrexian Elves[ | ]

With the coming of New Phyrexia, many elves have been compleated by the glistening oil and become a part of the Phyrexian faction, the Vicious Swarm. Still residing in the Tangle they act as wardens, led by the de facto leader of the region Glissa. Now they accelerate the growth of the Phyrexian monstrosities which roam the forest or hunt down the last of their kin who still hide in the forest.

Ravnica[ | ]

Elves are common among the Golgari, Selesnya, and Simic guilds on Ravnica, but generally avoid the Gruul.[51]

The Erstwhile[ | ]

The Erstwhile is an ancient faction of elvish aristocrats that were entombed in the modern Undercity. The Golgari have unearthed their coffins and reanimated them as part of the Swarm. They still wear their stately attire, despite its moldering condition, and they lend an air of high culture to the undercity court of the Golgari.[52]

Devkarin Elves[ | ]

Devkarin are the dark elves of Ravnica.[53] Formerly, they made up one of the two elite classes of the Golgari, the other being the teratogens. They are presided over by their "Matka", a high priestess, who until recently was Savra.[54] The current Matka is Izoni, Thousand-Eyed. The Devkarin are adept spellcasters counting most of the Golgari's shamans among their numbers. Some of the Devkarin wear Moodmarks, which are minor enchantments that appear as spots or markings on their foreheads and around their eyes (usually resembling insect eyes).

Silhana Elves[ | ]

The Silhana are the Ravnican elves that are part of the Selesnya Conclave. The Silhana are master archers who stalk the rooftops of the city-plane. Some Silhana, the Elves of Deep Shadow, were cast out of the Conclave long ago and joined the Golgari.

Simic Elves[ | ]

There was once a third tribe of elves on Ravnica, one that became largely extinct during the pre-Guildpact wars; the survivors joined the Simic Combine. Little is known about them, but both the Devkarin and the Silhana believe they were very cruel and unpleasant. Simic elves seem to have been mostly bald. As time went by, almost all of the Simic elves subjected themselves to strange biological experiments, adding biomechanical implants or splicing their genes with those of other creatures, such as snakes.

Shandalar[ | ]

The forests of Shandalar are inhabited by a race of dark elves.[55]

Zendikar[ | ]

The elves of Zendikar are a highly adaptive race that make their homes in the treetops of Murasa and Bala Ged. Natural risk-takers, the elves have a strong survival instinct and fearless demeanor, making them well suited for life on this dangerous plane. They have more sensitive hearing than other races.[56] They lack a formal religion, instead, they practice forms of mysticism as well as communing with the spirits of their ancestors.[57] Years before the eldrazi's return, a schism led the elves to split into three insular tribes.[58]

Joraga Nation[ | ]

The Joraga Nation was seated in the Tangled Vale portion of Bala Ged. Their leader was Speaker Nen, although the various tribes were only loosely connected. Each tribe followed the migratory pattern of a particular species of beast, adapting the creature into their magic and combat styles. Nomadic by nature, the Joraga eschewed outsiders and held even the other elves of Zendikar in disdain. With the coming of the Eldrazi, the Joraga were nearly eliminated.[59]

Mul Daya Nation[ | ]


Mul Daya village. Concept art by Mark Tedin.

Mul Daya was a secretive nation located in the Guum Wilds of Bala Ged. They could easily be recognized by their facepaint and tattoos. While their living leader was Hazzan, he himself followed the edicts of a centuries-old elvish spirit named Obuun. Through their leadership, the Mul Dayans became adept spies and assassins with the elite calling themselves "vine ghosts." Mul Dayan Soulspeakers openly practiced a blend of mysticism and necromancy to better commune with their ancestors. Special brakeguards were the only tribe members who could safely navigate the wilds.[60]

Like the Joraga, most of the Mul Daya were wiped out by the Eldrazi.[59]

Tajuru Nation[ | ]


Concept of a Tajuru city.

Through the leadership of Speaker Sutina, the Tajuru nation had become the largest and most prominent elf faction on Zendikar. Basing society within the massive treetops of Murasa, the Tajuru were open to other races and highly skilled innovators. Their capital was the Tumbled Palace based on the cliffs of Sunder Bay. Before the creature died in the tentacles of Kozilek, Sutina often had been seen overlooking the water just before Lorthos, the Tidemaker appeared. Any connection between the two remains unknown. A later leader of the Tajuru was Nisede.[59]

The Kazandu Splinter[ | ]

The Kazandu Splinter is a small separate faction of elves located in Kazandu region of Murasa. Formerly Tajuru, they broke off from the nation refusing to see Speaker Sutina as their leader. Their life on the dangerous cliffsides and in the jaddi-trees has fundamentally changed their outlook from their former brethren.

Half-Elves[ | ]

The result of mating between elves and humans (or, more rarely, elves and other races), half-elves have shorter lifespans and less delicate features.

Gaea's Skyfolk[ | ]

Gaea's Skyfolk were an indirect product of the Phyrexian Invasion of Dominaria. As the whole world mobilized its reserves, even ancient adversaries cooperated together, lending their diverse skills into the service of the common good. The Skyfolk were partially of merfolk and partially of elvish origin, combining the unique features and skills of both races into one. A detailed description of their abilities is not available, but the major one was the ability to fly. The details of the creation of these creatures are, however, not known. It seems likely that they were a result of the Rathi Overlay.

Notable elves[ | ]

  • Norwood Elves
    • Arathel
Mirrodin/New Phyrexia
Dungeons & Dragons
Universes Beyond
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth

Notable half-elves[ | ]

Kindred elves[ | ]

Lorwyn block featured five kindred Elf cards, which could be fetched by Elvish Harbinger:

Tokens[ | ]

Token Name Color Type Line P/T Text Box Source Printings
Elf Green Creature — Elf 1/1 {T}: Add {G}.
Elf Druid Green Creature — Elf Druid 1/1 {T}: Add {G}.
Elf Knight Green/​White Creature — Elf Knight 2/2 Vigilance
Elf Warrior Green Creature — Elf Warrior 1/1
Green/​White Creature — Elf Warrior 1/1
Galadhrim Brigade Green Creature — Elf Soldier 2/2 Other Elves you control get +1/+1.
Llanowar Elves Green Creature — Elf Druid 1/1 {T}: Add {G}.
Test cards
Token Name Color Type Line P/T Text Box Source Printings
Elf Warrior Green Creature — Elf Warrior 1/1

Gallery[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Mark Rosewater (October 22, 2018). "Are the iconic/characteristic races considered a 1 on the Beeble Scale?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  2. Mark Rosewater (August 18, 2008). "To Thine Own Elf Be True". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Magic Arcana (August 19, 2008). "Who's That Elf?". Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Doug Beyer (August 20, 2008). "The Art of Elves". Wizards of the Coast.
  5. Mark Rosewater (March 15, 2015). "Characteristic and iconic creatures for each color?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  6. a b Jay Annelli (2022). Magic: The Gathering - The Visual Guide, DK. ISBN-13 978-0744061055.
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  8. a b c d e f g h i Doug Beyer & Jenna Helland (2008). A Planeswalker's Guide to Alara, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 978-0786951246
  9. Doug Beyer (November 5, 2008). "The Movers and Shakers of Naya". Wizards of the Coast.
  10. Jenna Helland (September 10, 2008). "Running Wild". Wizards of the Coast.
  11. a b c d Jenna Helland (January 19, 2009). "The Soul of the World". Wizards of the Coast.
  12. Planes of Existence: Kaladesh. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on January 25, 2022. Retrieved on September 3, 2016.
  13. Magic Creative Team (November 2, 2016). "Planeswalker's Guide to Kaladesh". Wizards of the Coast.
  14. The Art of Magic: The Gathering - Kaladesh, p.48
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  21. Magic Arcana (August 16, 2005). "The elves of Llanowar". Wizards of the Coast.
  22. The Ambassador's Journal
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  24. James Wyatt (2018), The Art of Magic: The Gathering - Dominaria. VIZ Media.
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  28. Mark Sumner, The Prodigal Sorcerer, November 1995
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  31. Chris Mooney (October 31, 2019). "Planeswalker's Guide to Eldraine". Wizards of the Coast.
  32. Kate Elliott (2019), Throne of Eldraine: The Wildered Quest, Penguin Random House
  33. a b James Wyatt et al. (2023). "D&D Monstrous Compendium: Vol. 4: Eldraine Creatures". Wizards of the Coast.
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  35. Alison Luhrs (June 6, 2018). "The World of Battlebond". Wizards of the Coast.
  36. a b c (2007). Lorwyn Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  37. Doug Beyer (September 13, 2007). "A Taste of Lorwyn". Wizards of the Coast.
  38. Rei Nakazawa (January 7, 2008). "In The Early". Wizards of the Coast.
  39. Doug Beyer (October 24, 2007). "Ask Wizards — October, 2007". Wizards of the Coast.
  40. Cory J. Herndon and Scott McGough (2007), "Lorwyn", Wizards of the Coast.
  41. Doug Beyer (September 13, 2007). "A Taste of Lorwyn". Wizards of the Coast.
  42. Magic Arcana (December 20, 2007). "Death and Nettlevine". Wizards of the Coast.
  43. Doug Beyer (August 13, 2008). "Spark". Wizards of the Coast.
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  45. Jess Lebow, Philip Athans and Susan J. Morris, eds. (2008.) "Mark of the Raven", Shadowmoor, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 0-7869-4840-6.
  46. a b Doug Beyer (April 2, 2008). "The Shadowy Pendulum". Wizards of the Coast.
  47. (2008). Eventide Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  48. Doug Beyer (December 08, 2010). "The Nonhuman Cultures of Mirrodin". Wizards of the Coast.
  49. Doug Beyer (September 22, 2010). "The Terms of Engagement". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on November 12, 2020.
  50. (2003). Mirrodin Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  51. Doug Beyer (July 17, 2013). "We like the guilds to feel different from each other". A Voice for Vorthos. Tumblr.
  52. D&D Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
  53. Magic Arcana (October 27, 2005). "Ravnica Style Guide: Golgari". Wizards of the Coast.
  54. "Matka" means "mother" in various Slavic languages, including Czech, Slovak, and Polish ("matka" — Wiktionary)
  55. David Quinn (1996), "Shandalar", Armada
  56. Grace Fong (May 1, 2023). "March of the Machine: The Aftermath - She Who Breaks the World". Wizards of the Coast.
  57. Magic Creative Team (September 30, 2009). "A Planeswalker's Guide to Zendikar: Bala Ged and Elves". Wizards of the Coast.
  58. (2010). Worldwake Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  59. a b c Mel Li (January 6, 2016). "Reclamation". Wizards of the Coast.
  60. A. Z. Louise (September 18, 2020). "Beneath Riverroot Tree". Wizards of the Coast.