MTG Wiki

Fabrizio Anteri
Nickname Fab
Born April 1, 1990
Residence London, England
Nationality {VEN} Venezuelan
{ITA} Italian
Professional Career
Pro Tour debut Pro Tour Dark Ascension 2012
Top Finishes 0
GP top 8s 11 (5 wins)

Fabrizio Anteri is a Venezuelan-Italian former professional player currently living in London, England. He has five Grand Prix wins in eleven top eights, and finished third with the English national team at the 2014 World Magic Cup.

Professional play[ | ]

Anteri first came to prominence in early 2013 with a top eight at Grand Prix London. In the following season, he made three additional GP top eights, including wins in Warsaw and Manchester, both in May 2014; this resulted in Gold status in the Pro Players Club. In 2014–15, despite a third-place at the 2014 World Magic Cup and finishing fourth at Grand Prix Florence, he came a single point short of renewing his Gold status for another season. He was set to retire from professional play, but he won his local Grand Prix, London, in August to start a year that would see him win an additional two Grand Prix events. However, after clinching Platinum status in the Pro Players Club and looking good for an invitation to the 2016 World Championship, Anteri was disqualified for deck manipulation at Grand Prix Manchester in May 2016; he was found to be using a shuffling technique to improve his draws.[1] Anteri was subsequently suspended from the game for 18 months on June 1.[2]

Accomplishments[ | ]

Season Event type Location Format Date Rank
2012–13 Grand Prix London Limited 9–10 February 2013 7
2013–14 Grand Prix Antwerp Modern 26–27 October 2013 2
2013–14 Grand Prix Warsaw Limited 10–11 May 2014 1
2013–14 Grand Prix Manchester Block Constructed 31 May–1 June 2014 1
2014–15 World Magic Cup Nice Special 5–7 December 2014 3
2014–15 Grand Prix Florence Team Limited 16–17 May 2015 4
2015–16 Grand Prix London Standard 15–16 August 2015 1
2015–16 Grand Prix Madrid Limited 12–13 September 2015 5
2015–16 Grand Prix Mexico City Limited 30–31 January 2016 1
2015–16 Grand Prix Bologna Modern 5–6 March 2016 5
2015–16 Grand Prix Barcelona Limited 16–17 April 2016 1
2017–18 Grand Prix Bologna Team Limited 28–29 April 2018 2


Pro Tour Results[ | ]

List of the Pro Tour results and winnings of Fabrizio Anteri
Season Pro Tour Format Finish Winnings
2012 Dark Ascension in Honolulu Standard and Booster Draft 225
2012–13 Dragon's Maze in San Diego Block Constructed and Booster Draft 291
2013–14 Born of the Gods in Valencia Modern and Booster Draft 306
2013–14 Journey into Nyx in Atlanta Block Constructed and Booster Draft 57 $1,000
2013–14 Magic 2015 in Portland Standard and Booster Draft 135
2014–15 Khans of Tarkir in Honolulu Standard and Booster Draft 50 $1,500
2014–15 Fate Reforged in Washington, D.C. Modern and Booster Draft 177
2014–15 Dragons of Tarkir in Brussels Standard and Booster Draft 134
2014–15 Magic Origins in Vancouver Standard and Booster Draft 217
2015–16 Battle for Zendikar in Milwaukee Standard and Booster Draft 29 $1,500
2015–16 Oath of the Gatewatch in Atlanta Modern and Booster Draft 106
2015–16 Shadows over Innistrad in Madrid Standard and Booster Draft 61 $1,000
2017–18 25th Anniversary in Minneapolis Team Constructed 29 $3,000
2018–19 Guilds of Ravnica in Atlanta Standard and Booster Draft 121
2018–19 Mythic Championship Cleveland 2019 Standard and Booster Draft 64 $1,000


External links[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. FABRIZIO ANTERI DISQUALIFIED FROM GRAND PRIX MANCHESTER. Wizards of the Coast (2016-05-28). Retrieved on 2016-06-02.
  2. SUSPENDED DCI MEMBERSHIPS. Wizards of the Coast (2016-06-01). Retrieved on 2016-06-02.