MTG Wiki
ORI Spindown life counter

Magic Origins spindown life counters

A life counter is a device to keep track of life totals.

Types[ | ]

Scrye counter[ | ]

Scrye magazine sold a series of pewter life counters produced by Miniatures beginning in 1994. The counters were made in two pieces. The 2-inch base was etched with the numbers 1-20 along the edge. A rotating piece with an indicator arrow was put on top, and featured artwork or miniature figure. These came in several colors and styles and could be painted by the owner just like similar miniatures. These counters were not official Magic products but were very popular with players of the time.

Duelist counter[ | ]

Sold by The Duelist since 1995, these sturdy, finely crafted pewter counters let you mark off lives with brass- and silver-plated beads. They were available in the 5 mana colors. The counter fits in a Magic deck box.[1]

Spindown life counter[ | ]

Spindown life counter

Spindown life counter illustrating how numbers are sequentially next to each other, arrows do not appear on the counter itself

A spindown life counter is a 20-sided die that is designed for the express purpose of keeping track of life totals. The side is numbered that adjacent numbers are next to each other, facilitating the change of life total and avoiding any complications with finding the desired value. This is different from the conventional numbering of opposite sides adding to the same value (opposite sides sum to 21, 1 is opposite from 20, 2 is opposite from 19, and so on).

The "20" on a spindown life counter is usually replaced with an expansion symbol (or in the case of core sets the appropriate number). There are exceptions, such as the life counters for Ninth Edition and Tenth Edition had the logos replace numbers 9 and 10 respectively, the life counters included in the Strixhaven: School of Mages prerelease packs have the college logos replacing the number 20, or in Game Night 2019 and Game Night: Free-For-All there were no logos.

The first spindown life counters appeared in Beatdown box set. They are generally found in fat packs / bundles, beginning with Apocalypse, and are generally made in the five Magic: The Gathering colors (white, blue, black, red, green) for each set. There was a gold-colored spindown life counter in the Alara Reborn fat pack as the set is gold based.

A five-piece set, containing one of each color, was sold as a standalone product (WOC06137, ISBN-13 978-0743002377). The symbol used was an icon of the Black Lotus.

Starting with Core Set 2020 spindown life counters included in bundles became oversized (27mm instead of the usual 22mm in size). Starting with Zendikar Rising, Wizards of the Coast updated the orientation of the numbers on the life counter to make it a little more intuitive and satisfying to use.[2]

Circle spinner[ | ]

In Coldsnap[3] and the Ravnica block, Wizards chose to try a different approach. Instead of dice, a plastic life counter with a circle spinner that had numbers going from 1 to 30 was included in fat packs for the block. These life counters were not unlike those that were provided on Magic: The Gathering-branded Ultra Pro deck boxes.

Some odd-shaped circle spinners were provided for Ninth Edition (an angel) and Unhinged (an eight-ball).[4]

Double-wheeled counter[ | ]

Commander's Arsenal provided a doubled-wheeled counter that goes up to 99 life.

These were also included in Archenemy: Nicol Bolas and Commander Anthology. Bone-colored "click-wheels" with blood-red ink were available as a WPN promotional item for Phyrexia: All Will Be One.[5]

Life wheel[ | ]

The life wheel is a card with a numbered wheel embedded into it to help you keep score. It was introduced with the Throne of Eldraine Brawl decks.[6][7]

Electronic life counter[ | ]

Several apps are available to provide electronic life counters for mobile devices or Windows PC.

In 2018, Wizards of the Coast announced the Magic: The Gathering Portal app, but it was canceled and instead, they replaced it with Magic: The Gathering Companion.[8]

Gallery[ | ]

References[ | ]

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