MTG Wiki

Frederico Bastos
Nickname Baxtox
Nationality {PRT} Portuguese
Professional Career
Top Finishes 2 (0 wins)
GP top 8s 0

Frederico Bastos is a long time Portguese professional Magic player. In 2001, he was the first Portuguese player in a Pro Tour Top 8 for Pro Tour Tokyo. He also reached another Top 8 in 2002 in San Diego.

Despite being absent from the Pro Tour scene for many years (only two attended in the 2010-2019 decade), he was able to qualify for Mythic Championship VII through the MCQ, and also was able to accrue enough Mythic Points in the partial 2020 Players Tour Season to score an invite to participate in the 2020-21 Rivals League.

League play[ | ]

Season Rank
2020-21 Rivals League 34
2021–22 Rivals League 42

Accomplishments[ | ]

Season Event type Location Format Date Rank
2001–02 Pro Tour Tokyo Block Constructed 16–18 March 2001 8
2000–01 Pro Tour San Diego Rochester Draft 11–13 January 2002 6

