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Gerda Äagesdotter
Magus of the Unseen
Magus of the Unseen
Race Human
Birthplace Terisiare, Dominaria
Lifetime Ice Age-the Thaw
Died After 2954 AR
Parents Ebba
Relatives Gustha Ebbasdotter (cousin)
The Eternal Ice

Over 2000 years into the Ice Age that fell over Dominaria, Gerda Äagesdotter was second in command to archmage Jodah at the School of the Unseen at Lat-Nam.[1]

Description[ | ]

At the end of the Ice Age, Gerda is described as being an extremely fashionable, middle-aged woman, immaculately coifed and decked in robes of blue and white, and her hair was white as smoke.[1]

20 years later, Gerda was a proud, cruelly beautiful woman with a cascade of snow-white hair, which reached halfway down her back. She dressed in iridescent blue robes that made her resemble a shimmering illusion, a summoned phantasm of some haughty queen of legend. She would walk proudly in most of the school, frightening the younger mages and startling the scribes with her mere presence. She was the second most powerful of all the mages in the School of the Unseen, and as such merited their respect. Outside Archmage Jodah's office, however, she slouched.[2]

History[ | ]

Envious of Jodah's power Gerda staged a coup with Gustha Ebbasdotter, the royal mage of Kjeldor, and her cousin. While Jodah had temporally stored his memories in a his reflecting mirror to regain his power, they kidnapped him and turned him over to the necromancer Lim-Dûl. Thus, Gerda became the Magus of the Unseen.[1]

After Jodah's old friend Jaya Ballard freed him from Tresserhorn, they helped Kjeldor and Balduvia to defeat the hordes of Lim-Dûl in what became known as Lim-Dûl's Battle. Jodah then returned to Lat-Nam, resumed control over the school, and reprimanded Gerda for her insubordination, though he allowed her to remain the Magus of the Unseen, his second-in-command.[1]

20 years later, Jodah left the school to track down the remainder of Mairsil-Lim-Dûl's malevolent spirit once again. During this time, the students of the school discovered the pit of black mana that had been forced upon Gerda by Lim-Dûl during her earlier trade-off. After the Fall of Soldev, the destruction Soldevi Steam Beasts and Phyrexian War Beasts were teleported to the bottomless pit, and assaulted the School of the Unseen directly. Despite Gerda's defense where she succeeded in destroying one of the War Beasts, she had no chance of saving the college. The Fall of the School of the Unseen was swift and was only stopped in the end by the newly ascended planeswalker Jaya Ballard, now rid of Mairsil-Lim-Dûl's influence. Gerda survived the fall of her school, and together with Ozmar Starkaadison, packed up the remainder of the school's inventory and left Lat-Nam for good, though she was legally granted the position of Archmage of the Unseen by Jodah. Gerda and her mages sailed far east, beyond the shores of Terisiare, possibly to the Domains.[2]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Eternal Ice Jeff Grubb May 2000 Ice Age Dominaria Arkol, Márton Stromgald, Lim-Dûl, Darien, Jodah, Zur (mentioned), Freyalise, Chaeska, Jarkeld (mentioned), Tevesh Szat (mentioned), Leshrac, Marit Lage (mentioned), Sima, Jaya Ballard, Gustha Ebbasdotter, Gerda Äagesdotter, Belenda Danisdotter, Mairsil, Jonte, Aliana, Shannan, Lovisa Coldeyes, Avram Garrison, Varchild, Arcum Dagsson, Thadior Glandesson, Klausson, Klazina Jansdotter, Kolbjörn, Kaysa
The Shattered Alliance Jeff Grubb December 2000 Alliances Dominaria Arkol, Gerda Äagesdotter, Jodah, Jaya Ballard, Chaeska, Lord of Tresserhorn, Ozmar Starkaadison, Glissenda, Tissellia Hannasdottir, Lothar Lovisason, Lovisa Coldeyes, Zur (mentioned), Darien, Alexandrite, Gundarsson, Kartha Shockfist, Koravis Darkeyes, Pova, Varchild, Relj, Karthon, Arcum Dagsson, Sorine Daabson, Mairsil, Lim-Dûl, Freyalise, Xantcha, Ratepe, Urza

In-game references[ | ]

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