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Race Lizardfolk
Birthplace Bloomburrow
Lifetime Omenpath Era

Gev is a lizardfolk from Goodhill on Bloomburrow, and a member of Mabel’s party.[1]

Description[ | ]

Gev is notable for the handsome red circles around his eyes.[2] He can produce heat, causing his tail to flare orange, and he claims that he has previously lost his tail and can breathe fire.[3][4] Very nimble, he is known to wield a pair of fire maces, swinging and spinning them in a dizzying display of grace and finesse. He is fast and a strong climber.

Gev has never had a great reputation.[5] He wanted to be an artist when he grew up, and he'd say he is one today. Instead of a canvas and a brush, his media are blades and an attitude. Things changed once he met the burly badgerfolk Hugs and welcomed him into his line of business. The two became inseparable, not only as mercenaries but as partners. Gev has softened over the years thanks to Hugs's good influence.

History[ | ]

Growing up in his home village, Gev wanted to be an artist.[5] As a mercenary, he would spend long nights on the road looking for corpses to loot. When he stumbled upon the badgerfolk Hugs on an adventure, they became fast friends, though Hugs couldn't speak a word and didn't yet have a name. They adventured together for many years, racking up big scores and spending them on bigger feasts. It was on one of these early adventures that Hugs fended off a Calamity Beast, a moose, while Gev led a town to safety. When the townsfolk returned, Hugs stood alone, wounded but tall. The children of the town gathered around him, arm in arm, with hugs all around. When he knelt and returned the gesture, Gev knew exactly what to call him.

Gev and Hugs once traveled beyond the Outer Woods with their skunkfolk companion Kiki.[3] The three referred to themselves as "the Striped Rapscallions." The events that took place were traumatic, so he will make up tall tales about adventures that never happened as a way to cope.

One of his tales recounts their alleged encounter in the Calamity Graveyard, where they found a squirrelfolk gathering bones.[3] The squirrelfolk allegedly weaved the bones into a monster with four clawed legs and six sharp-fanged heads on long necks, but the undead was defeated and Kiki (who may or may not be real) chased the squirrelfolk away.

When Mabel ventured to Pondside to investigate in around 4564 AR, Gev begrudgingly decided to accompany her after Hugs also had volunteered, because Gev didn’t want his friend to get in any trouble. Finneas, Zoraline, and Helga also joined the party.[2] Gev was third to volunteer.

Gallery[ | ]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Bloomburrow Episode 2: An Expected Party Valerie Valdes 2024-07-02 Bloomburrow Bloomburrow Helga, Mabel, Clem, Oliver, Reed (mentioned), Lily Emberseed (mentioned), Iris, Finneas, Gev, Hugs, Porfirio, Zoraline, Rosalyn, Foggy and Pip
Bloomburrow Episode 3: The Lost and the Found Valerie Valdes 2024-07-03 Bloomburrow Bloomburrow Helga, Mabel, Zoraline, Finneas, Hugs, Gev, Kiki (mentioned), Cruelclaw (mentioned), Ral
Bloomburrow Episode 4: Soothsaying and Stormcalling Valerie Valdes 2024-07-05 Bloomburrow Bloomburrow Helga, Mabel, Zoraline, Finneas, Hugs, Gev, Ral, Coffey, Tucker, Dragonhawk
Bloomburrow Episode 5: Nightfall in Fountainport Valerie Valdes 2024-07-08 Bloomburrow Bloomburrow Helga, Mabel, Zoraline, Finneas, Hugs, Gev, Ral, Glarb, Cruelclaw, Dragonhawk, Maha, Clem, Rosalyn, Foggy and Pip, Oliver

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:

References[ | ]
