MTG Wiki
Gilt Leaf
For the forest, see Gilt-Leaf Wood.

Gilt Leaf
Gilt-Leaf Ambush
Founded on Lorwyn
Status Changed into the Wilt-Leaf
Notable members Aeloch, Culloch, Dwynen, Eidren, Galed, Gryffid, Nath, Rhys, Tiristan, Uaine, Yelm
Races Elves
Associated Colors

The Gilt Leaf was the strongest elvish tribe on the plane of Lorwyn. The center of their realm was the Gilt-Leaf Wood and its capital Lys Alana, where the king and queen reigned along with their court of Perfect and Exquisite elves.

Description[ | ]

The Gilt Leaf tribe was known for their effective and ruthless packs of hunters, and also for being one of the most obsessed with the concept of beauty to determine an individual's status and worth. Those who were found ugly, disfigured, or maimed were proclaimed eyeblights and either killed or transformed into vinebred warriors.

The Gilt Leaf elves wore green and gold as their main colors.

The tribe's hunter army was divided into packs, with an officer with the rank of daen. The highest commanding officer held the rank of taercenn.

Lexicon[ | ]

  • Cervin: A long-legged, elk-like mount used by the higher ranks of hunters. Prized for their beauty and gentle temperament, cervins remain calm during combat. Cervins roam wild in the Gilt-Leaf and are easily trained, but elves prefer to ride a pure-bred domestic over a wild-born animal.[1] When breeding cervins, the elves track bloodlines, and the most perfect mounts are gifts to the most perfect elves.
    • Some elves who are lower in the social hierarchy ride vinebred cervins because they're deemed more acceptable than riding a flawed cervin.
  • Daen: A lower commander of the Gilt Leaf, usually in charge of a single pack.
  • Eyeblight: A creature judged ugly by elvish standards. Among elves, the title was usually conferred upon those who were scarred in battle or those whose beauty had faded in old age. The elves treat most of the other races as eyeblights automatically.
  • Glamer: A spell used to mask a person's physical appearance.
  • Pack: A highly mobile and organized group of hunters (soldiers). Includes archers and rangers.
  • Scarblade: A specialized assassin equipped not to kill their victims but to disfigure them, rendering them eyeblights. Used often in political quarrels or as bodyguards. Usually, employ glamers. The scarblades are equipped with a pair of weapons:
    • Dant: a long, sleek, curved blade used by scarblades, also dubbed "tooth" and
    • Ewynn: a flat, hooked, flesh-ripping curved blade, used by scarblades, also dubbed "claw".
  • Seedguide: a druid-mage who serves as the Blessed Nation's ambassadors to the Treefolk.
  • Taer: honorific, equivalent to the English "Sir". Literally means "Great".
  • Taercenn: The highest commander of the Gilt Leaf army.
  • Vinebred: living creatures altered and controlled by their elf masters via the parasitic nettlevines. The vinebred are created either from eyeblight elves or captured members of other races, and are often considered terribly beautiful works of art. Vinebred warriors have increased physical strength and are obedient to virtually all orders from a higher commanding officer. They are often employed as shock troops, while Perfects often create truly magnificent vinebred to use as guards and servants.
  • Winnower: An expert hunter specializing in the hunting and killing of eyeblights. The Gilt Leaf used both standard and vinebred winnowers.

Known packs[ | ]

  • The Deathcap pack
  • The Hemlock pack
  • The Nightshade pack

Known members[ | ]

In-game references[ | ]

Associated cards:
Quoted or referred to:

References[ | ]

  1. Wizards of the Coast (February, 2008). "Ask Wizards - February 2008". Wizards of the Coast.