MTG Wiki

Plane New Phyrexia

The Glimmervoid on Mirrodin is an expanse of smooth, tiled metal that is otherwise featureless.[1]

Description[ | ]

The Glimmervoid functions as the plane's desert surface, uninhabited and unexplored, interrupted only by four huge towers that radiate with strong magic. Each is etched with the ancient runes of the ur-golems, a nearly forgotten race of powerful artifact creatures from centuries past. When taken together, the towers are a warning about Memnarch. The reflective metal surface can be used to send spells in several directions at once.

During the Phyrexian takeover the Glimmervoid became a Contested War Zone. After the compleation of the plane, the previous surface of Mirrodin became the wasteland known as the Mirrex, coming to mostly consist of the Glimmervoid. However, Mirran survivors can harvest the plates to make hexgold, a substance that staves off phyresis.[2][3]

In-game references[ | ]

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