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The Kami of Forgotten Clearings
Race Kami (Spirit)
Birthplace Kamigawa
Lifetime Neon Dynasty

Gravelighter is a kami from Kamigawa. It is the kami of forgotten clearings.

Description[ | ]

Gravelighter appears only to those whose lives are ending, welcoming them to their fate. It is a territorial spirit that lives in the Jukai Forest.[1] Its appearance is that of a cobweb-covered skeletal woman, wrapped in a black mourning shroud with several tiny skeletal arms reaching out from the darkness within. Its face is a mask frozen into an amused-looking smile, but its veiled eyes glow an unhallowed green. It carries a green round lantern, and glowing tombstones float in the air around it while ghostly butterflies flutter about its head.[2]

History[ | ]

Amid an escape through Jukai Forest, Kaito Shizuki, his sister Eiko Shizuki, and their friend Tameshi encountered Gravelighter, the Kami of Forgotten Clearings. This kami, known for her territorial nature, burst forth from a river, displaying an intimidating presence with her skeletal limbs and cobweb-covered body. As Gravelighter approached, Eiko attempted to communicate, introducing herself as a kami diplomat and requesting safe passage. However, the situation escalated when Kaito intervened to protect Eiko, drawing Gravelighter's ire. The conflict reached a tense moment as the tanuki kami Himoto, whom Kaito was protecting, leaped towards Gravelighter, emitting a powerful light. The smaller kami's actions seemed to calm Gravelighter, who ultimately retreated into the river, allowing Kaito and his companions to continue their journey safely.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Kaito Origin Stories: A Test of Loyalty & The Path Forward Akemi Dawn Bowman 2021-12-16 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Kamigawa Kaito Shizuki, Satoru Umezawa, Nari, Azamuki, Eiko Shizuki, Kodama of the West Tree, Tameshi, Katsumasa (mentioned), Gravelighter, Himoto

In-game reference[ | ]

Associated cards:

References[ | ]
