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Creature Type
(Subtype for creature/kindred cards)
20 cards
{U} 10% {B} 55% {G} 5% {W/B} 15% {B/G} 15%
as of Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate
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Hag is a creature type used for cards that depict a kind of malevolent, female, faerie-like being, bearing the appearance of a wizened old woman. Sometimes Hags are described as nightmare spirits. Hags have appeared in all colors, save red.

The first card to bear the type was Brine Hag in Legends.

Storyline[ | ]

Dominaria[ | ]

Hags are found primarily near bodies of water and in the Scarwood of Terisiare (Scarwood Hag).

Shadowmoor[ | ]

Swamp Hags[ | ]

Shadowmoor legends said that swamp hags were previously goddesses who had watched over the woodland marshes.[1] Once they fell from grace, they were twisted and transformed into grotesque huntresses who stalk swamps and forests for prey.[2]

Gwyllions[ | ]

Gwyllions, on the other hand, were 3-foot-tall witch-like creatures who were otherwise quite civilized.[2] Gwyllions preyed on travelers who would dare cross through the rotting farmlands and bogs they call their home.[1]

Theros[ | ]

On the plane of Theros, hags are leathery-faced crones with powerful magical abilities. Many hags carry a single eyeball between their lips as their only source of vision. Hags can often be found in The Underworld. A coven of hags who share a single, sentient tongue has also made their home on Cronemouth Cove, a tiny island on the Dakra Isles.[3]

The Fates of Theros were believed to be hag sisters who watched over and controlled the destinies of all living creatures on the plane. Even the Gods were controlled by the Fates.[4] The Fates were represented by Fate Unraveler and Triad of Fates, though the latter are designated as Human.

A female creature resembling a hag was also seen in the company of a gorgon as they fought Dack Fayden. While simply referred to as a "Sea Witch," this woman had powerful water magic and was able to summon a giant kraken to attack the planeswalker.[5]

Notable Hags[ | ]

  • Adrasteia
  • Stolsluko — A wolf-toothed hag that lives in a cave near the Tartyx River.
Dungeons & Dragons

Gallery[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. a b (2008). Eventide Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  2. a b c Doug Beyer (July 30, 2008). "Concepting Eventide, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Wizards RPG Team (2020), D&D Mythic Odysseys of Theros, Wizards of the Coast
  4. Clayton Kroh (February 05, 2014). "Emonberry Red". Wizards of the Coast.
  5. Magic: The Gathering - Theros Issue #2