MTG Wiki

Johannes Voss
General Information
Status Active: Scars of Mirrodin to Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
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artist:"Johannes Voss"

Johannes "Hannes" Voss is a professional freelance illustrator and digital painter from Leipzig, Germany.

Career[ | ]

Since his first collaboration with fellow countryperson Jana Schirmer in Scars of Mirrodin[1] , Johannes has created many illustrations for Magic: The Gathering, but also for Playboy magazine, Lionsgate, CD Projekt Red and League of Legends.

Some well known illustrations[ | ]

Artist Series[ | ]

In 2021, Voss's work was highlighted in the Out of Time Superdrop Artist Series: Johannes Voss, which featured a poem by his own hand in the flavor text.[2] Two heroes meet, run from their responsibilities together, fall for each other and finally, through their love, change their fates.[3]

References[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

External links[ | ]
