MTG Wiki

Race Weird
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Johrum is an Izzet weird and former attendant to the chemister Erno Zslod.

History[ | ]

Johrum was attendant to the great Izzet chemister Erno Zslod, who had been working on a hypermana focusing lens, which could be used to teleport across the plane. Erno was making good strides with his invention, but then he and Johrum were both exposed to a Simic biomancer's contagion. A sickness caused them to cough and vomit mucus and even altered their minds. It was as though Erno was commanded to make changes to his focusing lens, and when it was later activated, it brought him and Johrum directly to the Undercity of Ravnica. The illness had been brought on by contact with biomantic ooze, and Johrum and Erno had already begun to change at that point, into strange magical beings.

This change appeared to the two of them in different ways - Erno was trapped inside his mizzium suit, warped into an ephemeral body, unable to move his limbs. As time passed, his entire body was covered with rot and rubble from the Undercity.

The nature of Johrum's transformation is more unclear, but he appears to shift between something resembling pure fire, and something with a far more humanoid visage.

Erno and Johrum spent more than thirty years trapped in the Undercity of Ravnica until they were sought out by Madarrak and Castan using Erno's old homing beacon. After digging Erno, still trapped in his suit, as well as the canister with the focusing lens clear of the rubble, they were attacked by swarms of Kraul and a mutant dripping with biomantic ooze.

The oozing mutant pinned Madarrak to the ground, but Johrum was nearby, and as a streak of fire, he knocked the mutant off the guildmage. The roaring mutant then proceeded to slice the head of Erno Zslod, killing him. Thus Johrum was made masterless.

In the chaos, Castan and Madarrak were separated, and Madarrak ended up teleporting away with the focusing lens. What ultimately happened to Johrum from that point is unknown.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Pursuit, Part 2 Ari Levitch 2013-05-14 Dragon's Maze Ravnica Madarrak, Castan, Erno Zslod, Johrum, Yzaak

In-game references[ | ]

Depicted in:

References[ | ]
