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Journey into Nyx

Journey into Nyx
Set Information
Set symbol
Symbol description Combination of an altar and the Horns of Xenagos
Design Ethan Fleischer (lead)[1]
Dan Emmons
Erik Lauer
Mark Rosewater
Matt Tabak
Development David Humpherys (lead)
Ian Duke
Tom Jenkot
Erik Lauer
Ken Nagle
Art direction Jeremy Jarvis
Release date May 2, 2014
Plane Theros
Themes and mechanics "enchantment matters"
Keywords/​ability words Constellation, Strive, Bestow, Heroic, Inspired, Scry, Monstrosity, Devotion
Set size 165 cards
(60 commons, 60 uncommons, 35 rares, 10 mythic rares)
Expansion code JOU[2]
Development codename Countrymen
Theros block
Theros Born of the Gods Journey into Nyx
Magic: The Gathering Chronology
Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska Journey into Nyx Modern Event Deck

Journey into Nyx is the third and final set in the Theros block. It is the 64th Magic expansion and was released May 2014.[3][4]

Set details[ | ]

“  Rival the Gods  ”

Like its predecessors, Journey into Nyx has an ancient Greek-themed top-down design, making use of many mythological tropes. The set contains 165 cards (60 Common, 60 Uncommon, 35 Rare, 10 Mythic) and includes randomly inserted premium versions of all cards. Fitting in with the "enchantment matters" theme, 59 of the set's 165 cards carry the enchantment type. The set introduces the Lamia creature type.

Flavor and storyline[ | ]

The plane of Theros is in chaos. Gods and mortals are pitted against each other, and terrifying monsters stalk the land. Heroes strive for glory while new and terrifying constellations take shape in the night sky. Supported by Ajani, Elspeth travels to Nyx and kills Xenagos. Afraid of her power, Heliod kills Elspeth.[5]

Storyline sources[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Setting (plane) Featuring
Journey into Nyx: Godsend, Part II, second part Jenna Helland May 2014 Theros Anax, Cymede, Keranos, Xenagos, Mogis, Elspeth, Daxos, Medomai, Anthousa, Iroas, Rhordon, Heliod, Nylea, Ajani, Brimaz, Callaphe, Kiora, Arixmethes, Thassa, Kruphix, Erebos

Magic Story[ | ]

Main article: Magic Story
Title Author Release Date Setting (plane) Featuring
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes Kelly Digges 2014-04-09 Theros Ajani Goldmane, Seza, Aletha, Koila, Brimaz, Elspeth, Lanathos, Polukranos, Agnomakhos
Desperate Stand Matt Knicl 2014-04-16 Theros Vinack, Aesrias, Solon, Kedarick VI, Kytheon Iora, Athreos
Dreams of the City Ken Troop 2014-04-23 Theros Cacophony, Euneas, Pollio, Melantha, Xenocrates, Koblios, Ephara, Phenax, Ashiok, Xenagos
Thank the Gods Clayton Kroh 2014-04-30 Theros Raissa, Xenagos, Karametra
The Path or the Horizon Adam Lee 2014-05-07 Theros Zosimos
Kruphix's Insight Kelly Digges 2014-06-11 Theros Diantha, Kydele, Kruphix, Xenagos, Elspeth, Ajani, Kiora, Callaphe
Ajani's Vengeance Tom LaPille 2014-07-23 Theros Ajani Goldmane, Lanathos, Anthousa, Elspeth, Seza, Brimaz, Pyxathor, Xenagos, Heliod

Marketing[ | ]

Journey into Nyx is sold in 16-card boosters (one card being a marketing card), five intro packs, one event deck and a fat pack.[6] The boosters feature artwork from Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, Pharika, God of Affliction and Cyclops of Eternal Fury . The set featured the continuation of the Hero's Path.

God packs[ | ]

Random Journey into Nyx boosters were seeded to be literally and figuratively "God Packs": they contained all 15 Gods of Theros.[7][8]

Prerelease[ | ]

Forge a Godslayer

Forge a Godslayer

Quest 7 on the Hero's Path takes place at the Journey into Nyx Prerelease events, April 26 and 27, 2014.[9] Players will forge a Godslayer based on a favorite mana color and receive a Seeded Prerelease Pack based on that color (Forged in Glory {W}, Intellect {U}, Tyranny {B}, War {R} or Pursuit {G}). The Prerelease Pack contains a Spindown™ Life Counter, one of five Hero Equipment cards (respectively Spear of the General, Cloak of the Philosopher, Lash of the Tyrant, Axe of the Warmonger or Bow of the Hunter), one of five quiz activity cards, five Theros block boosters, and a seeded booster featuring cards appropriate for that player's chosen path — including one of the five Prerelease promo cards. During the prerelease, players have the opportunity to win three mystical components, represented by reward stickers. Three-component stickers combine in specific ways to create one of seven different enhancements. The activity card is handed to the tournament organizer to receive the corresponding "enhancement sticker". That sticker is put on the player's Hero card in the blank space as a new permanent ability, thus forging one the most powerful weapons on Theros: a customized Godslayer.

Launch Weekend[ | ]

Journey into Nyx launches May 2–4, 2014 and the month's first Friday Night Magic starts the festivities. Players on the Hero's Path come to their stores to "Journey into Nyx" and solve a puzzle hidden within the poster included in the Journey into Nyx Launch Weekend kit. Players who solve the puzzle receive a copy of the Quest 8 Hero card (The Destined).

Game Day[ | ]

On May 24–25, 2014 Journey into Nyx Game Day players can use their Standard decks for the ninth quest on the Hero's Path: Defeat a God, a special Challenge Deck provided to the retailer. By winning against the Challenge deck, players win a ninth Hero card (The Champion). Players will be able to use three of the Hero cards they have collected and the Godslayer that they forged at the Prerelease to complete this final quest of the Hero's Path!

Magic online[ | ]

For Magic Online, Journey into Nyx Prerelease Events begin Friday, May 9. The set officially goes on sale in Magic Online and Release Events begin on Monday, May 12.[10]

Promotional Cards[ | ]

Tokens[ | ]

A sixteenth card in the boosters can be a token creature card, with advertisements on the back side:[13]

  1. {U} 4/4 Sphinx with flying for Hour of Need
  2. {B} */* Zombie for Ritual of the Returned
  3. {R} 2/3 Minotaur for Flurry of Horns
  4. {G} */* Hydra for Hydra Broodmaster
  5. {G} 1/3 Spider enchantment creature with reach for Renowned Weaver
  6. {B/G} 1/1 Snake enchantment creature with deathtouch for Pharika, God of Affliction

The following named tokens were released with Born of the Gods:

  1. {U} 2/2 Bird enchantment creature for Rise of Eagles
  2. {C} Artifact token named Gold for King Macar, the Gold-Cursed

The following named tokens were released with Theros:

  1. {W} 1/1 Soldier for Launch the Fleet
  2. {R/G} 2/2 Satyr with haste for Revel of the Fallen God

Themes and mechanics[ | ]

Journey into Nyx has a heavy theme of "enchantments matter", and those cards were "pushed" to a higher power level to ensure that enchantments would be key components of competitive decks.[14][15] The keywords Bestow, Heroic, Scry, Monstrosity, Inspired and Devotion returned from the previous sets (with monstrosity skipping one set).[16][17] Two new ability words were added: constellation and strive. Enchantments with constellation abilities represent the divine constellations that fill the night sky.[18][19] An enchantment's constellation ability triggers every time it or another enchantment enters the battlefield under the player's control. Most of the enchantments with constellation abilities are enchantment creatures, but not all of them. A spell with a strive ability lets you pump more mana into it to increase the number of targets.[20]

Cycles[ | ]

Journey into Nyx has nine cycles. Some cards are part of a Theros block mega cycle.

Cycle name {W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Common heroic growers Lagonna-Band Trailblazer War-Wing Siren Bloodcrazed Hoplite Satyr Hoplite Pheres-Band Thunderhoof
Five common heroic creatures that get +1/+1 counters, all but one of which have nonsquare Power/Toughness.
Constellation Nymphs Harvestguard Alseids Whitewater Naiads Dreadbringer Lampads Forgeborn Oreads Oakheart Dryads
Five cross-rarity nymphs with constellation.
Downside Bestow creatures Sightless Brawler Crystalline Nautilus Gnarled Scarhide Mogis's Warhound Spirespine
Five uncommon creatures with bestow and a downside ability.[21]
X Lands Creatures Quarry Colossus Scourge of Fleets Squelching Leeches Spawn of Thraxes Nessian Game Warden
Five cross-rarity creatures with a double-colored mana cost and an effect (all but one an ETB effect) that depends on the number of basic lands of that color you control.
Common Strive spells Ajani's Presence Aerial Formation Cruel Feeding Rouse the Mob Nature's Panoply
Five common Instant spells with Strive that cost a single colored mana and 2C for each additional target.
Fonts Font of Vigor Font of Fortunes Font of Return Font of Ire Font of Fertility
Five common enchantments with an activated ability that sacrifices it.
Dictates Dictate of Heliod Dictate of Kruphix Dictate of Erebos Dictate of the Twin Gods Dictate of Karametra
Five rare enchantments with flash.
Cycle name {W}{B} {U}{R} {B}{G} {R}{W} {G}{U}
Gold uncommons Underworld Coinsmith Stormchaser Chimera Nyx Weaver Desperate Stand Fleetfeather Cockatrice
Five uncommon enemy-colored gold cards with colors matching the gods of the set.
Gods Athreos, God of Passage Keranos, God of Storms Pharika, God of Affliction Iroas, God of Victory Kruphix, God of Horizons
Five multicolored mythic rare legendary enchantment creatures that each embody one of the gods of Theros. Each card has a low casting cost but is not a creature until your Devotion to their two colors is 7 or more. They are all indestructible.

Pairs[ | ]

Journey into Nyx has one mirrored pair.

Mirrored Pairs Description
Mortal Obstinacy
Flamespeaker's Will
Common auras that cost 1 colored mana that enchant a creature you control. Both grant +1/+1 and can be sacrificed to destroy an artifact or enchantment when the creature deals damage to a player.

Reprinted cards[ | ]

Functional reprints[ | ]

Creature enchantment functional reprints[ | ]

Colorshifted[ | ]

Strictly better[ | ]

Strictly worse[ | ]

Notable cards[ | ]

Preconstructed decks[ | ]

Intro packs[ | ]

Journey into Nyx has five bicolored intro packs:[23]

Intro pack name Colors Included Foil rare
{W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Voracious Rage B R Spawn of Thraxes
Mortals of Myth W G Dawnbringer Charioteers
Pantheon's Power W B Doomwake Giant
Fates Foreseen U R Scourge of Fleets
The Wilds and the Deep U G Heroes' Bane

Event deck[ | ]

Journey into Nyx has one event deck.[24]

deck name
Colors Included
{W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Wrath of the Mortals U R

References[ | ]

  1. Ethan Fleischer (April 07, 2014). "My Journey". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Product info
  3. Trick Jarrett (November 11, 2013). "Announcing Journey into Nyx". Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Wizards of the Coast (April, 2014). "Journey into Nyx Credits". Wizards of the Coast.
  5. Magic Creative Team (May 26, 2014). "Journey's End". Wizards of the Coast.
  6. Trick Jarrett (April 08, 2014). "Journey into Nyx Packaging". Wizards of the Coast.
  7. Jason Alt (April 26, 2014) Taking “God Pack” Literally (Reddit)
  8. Wizards of the Coast (April 28, 2014). "A Divine Gift". Wizards of the Coast.
  9. Mike McArtor (April 21, 2014). "Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer". Wizards of the Coast.
  10. Clayton Kroh (April 21, 2014). "Magic Online Journey into Nyx Prerelease and Release Events". Wizards of the Coast.
  11. Trick Jarrett (April 09, 2014). "Journey into Nyx Promos". Wizards of the Coast.
  12. Trick Jarrett (April 07, 2014). "Hall of Triumph". Wizards of the Coast.
  13. Trick Jarrett (April 22, 2014). "Journey into Nyx Tokens". Wizards of the Coast.
  14. Sam Stoddard (April 11, 2014). "A Matter of Structure". Wizards of the Coast.
  15. Sam Stoddard (May 02, 2014). "Making Enchantments Matter". Wizards of the Coast.
  16. Kelly Digges (April 07, 2014). "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx". Wizards of the Coast.
  17. Dave Humpherys (April 14, 2014). "A Developmental Journey". Wizards of the Coast.
  18. Mark Rosewater (April 07, 2014). "The Incredible Journey, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  19. Mark Rosewater (April 28, 2014). "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". Wizards of the Coast.
  20. Mark Rosewater (April 14, 2014). "The Incredible Journey, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  21. Marshall Sutcliffe (April 09, 2014). "Bestow the Line". Wizards of the Coast.
  22. Mark Rosewater (April 21, 2014). "Journey to the Center of the Set, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  23. Wizards of the Coast (January 29, 2013). "Journey into Nyx Intro Pack Decklists". Wizards of the Coast.
  24. Mike McArtor (May 01, 2014). "Journey into Nyx Event Deck". Wizards of the Coast.

External links[ | ]
