MTG Wiki

Race Human
Birthplace Jund
Lifetime Unknown
Conflux Minisite, Alara Unbroken

Kresh the Bloodbraided was the mightiest human warrior from Jund, Alara.[1] He wore a sword called Mage Slayer and commanded respect and honor, and caused bloodshed wherever he went.

Description[ | ]

Jund warriors wear braids in their hair which are tied with skin or tendons from fallen foes from tribal raids or life hunts, marking the ferocity and prowess of those who have them. While most great warriors on Jund have 2-5 braids, and reach an age between 20 and 25 years, Kresh had 22 braids and reached an age of almost 40 years.[2] He has survived three Life Hunts.

The identity of his parents is unknown; he was rescued from a burning village by warriors of Highclan Tol Hera as an infant.[2] Living for the hunt and uninterested in leadership, he never challenged his clan's leader Javid Hera until he splintered off his clan, the Tol Antaga. Kresh and his clan were being misguided and controlled by Nicol Bolas' agent Rakka Mar.[3] She used their shamanistic culture to control them and power up the stone that focused the mana on Jund to lead up to the Conflux. After Sarkhan Vol and Rakka left Kresh and his clan to die after a fight with dragons, Ajani Goldmane showed up and convinced Kresh to fight back. Eventually, when the shards came together, Kresh led the faction from Jund that fought Bolas' forces.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Circumnavigation Doug Beyer March 25, 2009 Alara Reborn Alara Dragonsoul Knight, Asha, Kresh, Rakka Mar, Zarratha, Sarkhan
Alara Unbroken Doug Beyer May 2009 Shards of Alara, Conflux, Alara Reborn Alara Nicol Bolas, Malfegor, Gwafa Hazid, Rafiq, Mubin, Sarkhan Vol, Kresh, Rakka Mar, Jazal Goldmane, Ajani Goldmane, Marisi, Tenoch, Chimamatl, Elspeth Tirel, Mayael, Karrthus, Zaliki

In-game references[ | ]

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