MTG Wiki

Magic 2013 has five bicolored intro packs.[1]

Decklists[ | ]

Path to Victory[ | ]

Path to Victory is a white and blue intro pack.

M13 Path to Victory

The rares for this deck are Odric, Master Tactician (foil) and Captain of the Watch.

Depths of Power[ | ]

Depths of Power is a blue and red intro pack.

M13 Depths of Power

The rares for this deck are Talrand, Sky Summoner (foil) and Stormtide Leviathan.

Sole Domination[ | ]

Sole Domination is a white and black intro pack.

M13 Sole Domination

The rares for this deck are Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis (foil) and Xathrid Gorgon.

Mob Rule[ | ]

Mob Rule is a red and green intro pack.

M13 Mob Rule

The rares for this deck are Krenko, Mob Boss (foil) and Fervor.

Wild Rush[ | ]

Wild Rush is a black and green intro pack.

M13 Wild Rush

The rares for this deck are Yeva, Nature's Herald (foil) and Predatory Rampage.

References[ | ]

  1. Magic Arcana (July 03, 2012). "Magic 2013 Intro Pack Decklists". Wizards of the Coast.