MTG Wiki

Cards added to Magic 2014[ | ]

The following 154 cards from Magic 2014 were not printed in Magic 2013.

New Cards[ | ]

The following 112 cards have never been printed before.

Returning cards[ | ]

These 43 cards are reprints, but were not in Magic 2013. A + after the card name indicates a card that has never been in a core set before. A ! after the card name indicates a card that hasn't been Modern legal before. A * indicates all-new artwork.

Changes in rarity[ | ]

The following cards changed rarity from their last printing to Magic 2014.

Cards removed from Magic 2013[ | ]

The following 198 cards from Magic 2013 did not get reprinted in Magic 2014. A + indicates a card that was printed for the first time in Magic 2013.
