MTG Wiki

Race Unknown
Birthplace Arcavios
Lifetime Mending Era

Maraff is a student at Strixhaven on Arcavios.

Description[ | ]

Maraff is a Strixhaven student, specifically a hopeful for the Quandrix College. He comes across as arrogant and dismissive, believing himself to be superior to his peers and not in need of tutoring. He expresses disdain for being tutored by another student and believes that Professor Tivash is holding him back out of spite, despite considering himself the best student. Maraff's overconfidence and poor attitude are highlighted by his interactions with Dina, the student assigned to tutor him. He is condescending and dismissive, underestimating Dina and overestimating his abilities.[1]

History[ | ]

During his tutoring session with Dina, Maraff drank multiple cups of tea offered by the dryad, which unbeknownst to him, contained a magical brew that caused spiders to come out of his ears. This caused him to panic and wail in fear, showing a hidden vulnerability and lack of composure under stress. Dina remained calm and instructed him on the antidote, revealing her superior competence and control over the situation. Despite his earlier bravado, Maraff ended up sobbing and following Dina's instructions to find mugwort and lanny fern root to counteract the attercop charm.[1]

This experience is humbling for Maraff and would serve as a lesson for him, teaching him not to underestimate others and the importance of focus and proper motivation. Dina’s handling of the situation showcased her patience and skill with her Deans, contrasting sharply with Maraff’s initial arrogance and eventual helplessness.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Chains That Bind Reinhardt Suarez 2021-03-31 Strixhaven: School of Mages Arcavios Dina, Maraff, Tivash, Lisette, Valentin, Gyome, Bastion, Vedredi, Kiara, Nenioc, Willowdusk, Embrose Lu, Killian Lu, Liliana, Ana

References[ | ]

  1. a b c d Reinhardt Suarez (April 9, 2021). "The Chains That Bind". Wizards of the Coast.