MTG Wiki

First seen The Duelist #2
Last seen Phyrexia: All Will Be One
Status Conquered by New Phyrexia's Machine Legion

Mirrankkar is a plane featured in the graphic novel Mezlok's Challenge.[1]

Description[ | ]

Cities and villages of Mirrankkar all carry their own Shokal stone. Some inhabitants of the plane are powerful mages, and a competition is held in which each city or town chooses a duelist.

Mirrankkar was invaded by New Phyrexia's Machine Legion.[2]

Inhabitants[ | ]

  • Blue-skinned humanoids

Places[ | ]

  • Thorun (global capital city)
  • Gordahn (village)

Planeswalker visitors[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Mark Poole (1994). "Mezlok's Challenge." The Duelist. Issue 2. Page 22.
  2. a b Reinhardt Suarez (January 17, 2023). "A Man of Parts". Wizards of the Coast.