MTG Wiki
Not to be confused with Naru.

Naru Meha
Naru Meha
Race Human
Birthplace Bogardan, Dominaria
Lifetime Mending Era
Relatives Kolo Meha (ancestor)

Naru Meha is a human wizard from Dominaria.

History[ | ]

As the Master Wizard of Tolaria West, Naru Meha prioritizes not only the education of her students but also their safety. Though she hails from the volcanic land of Bogardan and traces her ancestry back to the famous pyromancer Kolo Meha, there is little of Bogardan's fiery nature in her demeanor, most of the time.[1]

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:
Quoted or referred to:

References[ | ]

  1. Wizards of the Coast (April 21, 2018). "Right on time, here are some of the legendary Wizards of Dominaria!". The Official Magic: The Gathering Tumblr. Tumblr.