MTG Wiki

Race Vulshok
Birthplace Oxidda Chain, New Phyrexia
Lifetime Mending Era
Scryfall Search

Neyali is a Vulshok rebel on New Phyrexia

Description[ | ]

Prior to the Phyrexian invasion, Neyali lived in the Oxidda Chain as part of the Tribe of the Helm.[1] She trained native birds to deliver messages between Vulshok tribes. One day, she found a glowing egg that seemed abandoned by its parent, so she took it to raise. But soon after, the Phyrexians attacked her village.[2]

Neyali and her egg were the only survivors of the massacre. She wandered the ruins of Mirrex for weeks, looking for signs of life. She told herself she had to keep going, to protect this egg that was all that remained of her home. Just when she thought she might be safe, she found herself surrounded by Phyrexian centurions. But right before she collapsed, her dedication was rewarded. Her egg cracked, birthing a phoenix that burned with the very fire of resistance.

The phoenix, Otharri, burned the Phyrexian aggressors to ashes to save Neyali and lead her to Slagmaw, a Mirran resistance camp. The rebels used hexgold to craft special falconer's gloves for Neyali, giving her and her birds matching powers to pound and crush their shared enemy. Since then, her flock has vastly expanded, and phoenixes have become a symbol of hope for a restored Mirrodin.[1]

Not long after, Neyali took over leadership of the resistance cell from Elham.[2] When her childhood friend, Reyana chose to be compleated by Slobad, Neyali led the rebels to rescue her. After being captured, she escaped with Otharri's help, leaving Reyana to her fate and continuing to lead the rebels in their fight against the New Phyrexians.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Cinders Cassandra Khaw 2023-01-12 Phyrexia: All Will Be One New Phyrexia Neyali, Reyana, Elham, Otharri, Saheena, Slobad

In-game references[ | ]

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References[ | ]

  1. a b Grace Fong (February 2, 2023). "The Legends of Phyrexia: All Will Be One". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. a b Cassandra Khaw (January 12, 2023). "Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Cinders". Wizards of the Coast.