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The Pauper Format Panel is an advisory group founded by Gavin Verhey in January 2022.[1][2]

The group discusses the state of the Pauper format, and provides recommendations of action (e.g. bannings) to the Play Design team at Wizards of the Coast. Unlike the former Commander Rules Committee, the Pauper Panel has no final authority but as Gavin Verhey is a Wizards employee, it has a direct line to Wizards' decision makers.

Members[ | ]

  • Gavin Verhey (USA) — Wizards of the Coast employee
  • Mirco Ciavatta (Italy)
  • Emma Partlow (UK)
  • Ryuji Saito (Japan)
  • Paige Smith (USA)
  • Alex Ullman (USA)
  • Alexandre Weber (Brazil)

References[ | ]

  1. Gavin Verhey (January 10, 2022). "Introducing: The Pauper Format Panel". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Gavin Verhey (June 15, 2023). "State of Pauper: Ban Status, New Decks, Fate of Unbannings, & More! (Video)". Good Morning Magic. YouTube.