The Planeswalker Saga follows the adventures of the new breed of planeswalkers that emerged after the Mending. These new characters were first introduced with Lorwyn on a dedicated Planeswalkers minisite. Later on, older planeswalkers that were changed by the Mending followed.
Since then their stories have been told in comics (Path of the Planeswalker), in novels (see A Planeswalker Novel) and in the Magic Story column.
Planeswalker characters[ | ]
Some characters:
- Ajani Goldmane
- Chandra Nalaar
- Elspeth Tirel
- Garruk Wildspeaker
- Gideon Jura
- Jace Beleren
- Karn
- Koth
- Liliana Vess
- Nicol Bolas
- Nissa Revane
- Sarkhan Vol
- Sorin Markov
- Tamiyo
- Tezzeret
- Tibalt
- Venser
See the complete list of these characters.
In contrast to the planeswalkers of old these characters also appear on planeswalker cards.