MTG Wiki

Mythweaver Poq
Mythweaver Poq
Race Malamet
Birthplace Ixalan
Lifetime Omenpath Era

Mythweaver Poq is a Malamet shaman from Ixalan.

Description[ | ]

Poq is a burly shaman of the Malamet catfolk in the underworld of Ixalan. He has tawny jaguar-spotted fur and long black hair, tucked into several braids with small, flashing silver medallions at the end. He wears a robe and ceremonial plated silver armor richly etched with glyphs and pictographs and casts green-glowing misty magic.[1][2]

History[ | ]

Poq is introduced as the mythweaver for Sovereign Okinec Ahau, the ruler of the Malamet. Poq is a key advisor who uses mystical abilities to interpret truths and intentions through imagery and visions. At Okinec Ahau's command, Poq stepped forward and used his powers to create a swirling green mist that formed into a snarling face. This vision seemed to react violently, suggesting hostility or danger associated with the Legion of Dusk. After the vision dissipated, Poq communicated nonverbally with the Sovereign, shaking his head to indicate that the newcomers were not to be trusted. Poq's demonstration and interpretation played a crucial role in Okinec Ahau's decision. The Sovereign decided to sentence the Legion members to death, citing the necessity of protecting his realm from invaders. [2]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Episode 3 Valerie Valdes 2023-10-20 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ixalan Wayta, Abuelo, Quintorius Kand, Huatli, Inti, Caparocti Sunborn, Malcolm Lee, Breeches, Bartolomé, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Kutzil, Vito Quijano de Pasamonte, Okinec Ahau, Poq, Nicanzil

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:

References[ | ]
