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Martial Law[ | ]


Martial Law is a theme deck from Portal Second Age.

“  "Martial Law" will overrun your opponent with a small army of fast, white creatures. Charge across the field of battle with the soldiers of Alaborn or rule the skies with fierce Griffins.

"Martial Law" will keep you in command.

Martial Law

The three rares in this deck are Alaborn Veteran, Angel of Fury and Armageddon.

Spellweaver[ | ]


Spellweaver is a theme deck from Portal Second Age.

“  "Spellweaver" brings powerful blue magic to your hand. With this deck you can counter your opponent's spells or draw additional cards. Once you've gained control, your creatures move in for a crushing blow.

"Spellweaver." Victory is looming.


The three rares in this deck are Exhaustion, Talas Researcher, and Talas Warrior.

Nightstalkers[ | ]


Nightstalkers is a theme deck from Portal Second Age.

“  "The Nightstalkers" deck is designed to sow discord. Hammer your opponent with discard effects and creature destruction. Then send in your creatures and take away the game.

"The Nightstalkers" will give your opponent the creeps.


The three rares in this deck are Ancient Craving, Nightstalker Engine and Return of the Nightstalkers.

Goblin Fire[ | ]


Goblin Fire is a theme deck from Portal Second Age.

“  Goblin Fire beats your opponent with a pack of wild creatures and the firepower to burn through defenses. Press the attack with your Goblins or incinerate the opposition with decisive flame spells.

Goblin Fire will ignite your game.

Goblin Fire

The three rares in this deck are Goblin General, Relentless Assault and Wildfire.

Nature's Assault[ | ]


Nature's Assault is a theme deck from Portal Second Age.

“  "Nature's Assault" marshals the forces of nature and hurls them at your opponent. Attack with waves of monstrous creatures or defend with courageous Elvish warriors.

"Nature's Assault" is ready to tangle.

Nature's Assault

The three rares in this deck are Alluring Scent, Hurricane and Sylvan Basilisk.
