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Pressure counter
Use Resource for sacrificial ability
Placed on Artifacts, Lands
Introduced Visions
Last used Magic 2013
2 counter creation cards
{artifact symbol} 50% {land symbol} 50%
Scryfall search
oracle:"Pressure counter"

Pressure counters are a type of counter introduced in Visions. They acted as an increasing resource for a sacrificial ability.

Description[ | ]

Pressure counters first appeared on Magma Mine in Visions. It was an artifact that could add Pressure counters to itself. It could also be sacrificed at any time dealing +1 damage for each counter on it. The counters represented the magma pressure building up until it exploded with the sacrifice ability.

They reappeared again in Magic 2013 with Hellion Crucible which was a land that also could add Pressure counters to itself. It only needed to build up 2 before it could be sacrificed to create a 4/4 red Hellion creature token with Haste. In this case, the counters represented the pressure building up until a Hellion is born.

Trivia[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Christopher Bellach (September 5, 2018). "Counter Development in Magic Online". Wizards of the Coast.