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Revin Skoros
Race Zombie
Human (formerly)
Birthplace Grixis, Alara

Revin Skoros is a criminal Zombie Wizard on Alara. He has had various aliases including Dead Reckoner, The Anathemancer, and Ol' Flame Eyes.

He has been wanted for the corruption of mana bonds in three shards, consumption of the flesh of the living, consumption of the flesh of the dead, assault, arson, and unauthorized tissue reanimation in a holy zone.

History[ | ]

Revin Skoros was originally known as a brilliant human æthermage of Grixis. He is said to have traveled the plane studying the art of the mana bond and its relationship to the spellcaster's mind. He sought the nature of magic itself and advanced knowledge of the mystic arts like none before him.

However, he encountered the demon Banath'thur who tempted Skoros with promises of exotic new bonds to sources of mana he hadn't been able to discover on his own. This caused Skoros to become one of the Damned, an undead husk who surrendered his soul. Despite this, Skoros retained his mystical connection to mana bonds of all types. His new unnatural life, however, caused him to corrupt the mana around him.

He is now known to stalk Alara, following the lure of potent mana wherever it draws him, instilling all sources of power with his baleful aura.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Gold Records Doug Beyer May 20, 2009 Alara Reborn Alara Revin Skoros, Ranalus, Haaach, Dollun Spinebreaker, Banath'thur, Sarrasa

In-game references[ | ]

Depicted in:

References[ | ]

  1. Doug Beyer (May 20, 2009). "Gold Records". Savor the Flavor. Archived from the original on June 1, 2009.