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Ronom Glacier
Plane Terisiare, Dominaria

The Ronom Glacier was the coldest part of Terisiare during the Ice Age of Dominaria.

History[ | ]

The oldest glacier on the continent, Ronom Glacier was present even before the start of the Brothers' War. It covered the northeastern Colekgan Mountains and extended far southwards to Ronom Lake, which formed from its meltwater. It also stretched to the north towards Upper Videnth, the peninsula of the Arctic continent. The Ronom Glacier was the site where Feldon found the artifact that would receive the name mysterious Feldon's Cane, having been buried in the ice for an unknown amount of time. Over the following years, several other artifacts were fished up by the Yumok from the running meltwater coming from within the glacier. These included the Coral Helm and the foreboding Golgothian Sylex.[1]

Ronom Glacier's size was incomprehensible, and come the Ice Age, it grew even more, eventually reaching Sarinth. As a result of the cold, its meltwater river dried up, and Ronom Lake became the dreaded Frost Marsh. The widest of Terisiare's four glaciers, it loomed over the landscape, a cliff face composed of pearly ice, studded in broken boulders and shot through with vertical fissures where ice shelves had at one time sheared from its surface. Centuries of wind had scoured grooves across the glacier wall like icy wood grain. Deep within the glacier many Phyrexian war-beasts lay frozen until the mad wizard Heidar awakened them in the hope he could stop Freyalise's Thaw. He was opposed by the famed master machinist Arcum Dagsson, who trekked to Ronom Glacier to destroy Heidar's army of constructs.[2]

Even deeper within the glacier was the prison of Marit Lage.[3][4]

After the casting of the World Spell, the Flooding of Terisiare started, and Ronom Glacier proceeded to melt rapidly over several decades, eventually creating the Sea of Laments and the Sea of Almaaz, covering large swathes of the former continent with rising sea levels. As the glacier melted, it revealed the land beneath it, and the northern shores of the land became accessible for the first time in millennia. The site of the former Ronom Glacier would later give rise to the nation of Efuan Pincar.[5][6]

What happened to Marit Lage when the glacier melted is unknown.

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:
Associated cards:
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References[ | ]

  1. Jeff Grubb (1998). The Brothers' War (novel). Wizards of the Coast
  2. Doug Beyer (June 21, 2006.) "The Horror at Ronom Glacier",, Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Jeff Grubb (2000). The Eternal Ice. Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Flavor text for Wrath of Marit Lage
  5. Ethan Fleischer (April 20, 2018). "Dominarian Cartography". Wizards of the Coast.
  6. Lynn Abbey (1998). Planeswalker (novel). Wizards of the Coast