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The Rootwater Saga is a tale on Rath told by the Rootwater merfolk. It was told through flavor text on cards released in Tempest and Exodus.

Excerpts[ | ]

Excerpt Card Source
Deep devourer concealed in darkhome

Shrouded it seeks all becomes fodder
Once we swam alone and asea
But no more.

Benthic Behemoth (Tempest)
… Dry-walkers die

We feed on sweet flesh … .

Bitter water, vicious wave;

Shadow-cold shallows, root-made maze.
Home’s angry embrace.

Rootwater Hunter
Read the roots tell the tale

Future forms in waving weeds
Higher than truth is hope.

Rootwater Mystic

In-game references[ | ]

Quoted or referred to:

References[ | ]

  1. Seanan McGuire (October 26, 2022). "The Brother's War - Chapter 5: Exodus".