MTG Wiki

The SCG Tour was a series of high level Magic: The Gathering tournaments organized by StarCityGames in North America to rival the Wizards of the Coast driven tournament scene.

Description[ | ]

The SCG Tour was integrated into the Players Tour and offered invites to the Championship level and provided paths to the Rivals League and the MPL.[1]

Open Series[ | ]

Any player could participate in the Open series, which was similar to the Grand Prix circuit, with good results in the Open series could earn the player a spot to participate in the Invitational series.

Invitational series[ | ]

The Invitational series was StarCityGames' equivalent of the Players Tour. StarCityGames also organized its own coverage of these tournaments and streamed it over the internet. Since the introduction of WPN Premium Series in 2016, all Invitational series' winner also received an invitation to the Pro Tour following that event.

Online series[ | ]

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in 2020, SCG introduced the SCG Tour Online. This was a tournament series digitally played on Magic: The Gathering Arena, in which players from around the world can compete for Star City Games store credit and cash prizes.[2]

References[ | ]

  1. Elaine Chase (August 14, 2019). "The Future of Magic Esports". Magic Esports.
  2. Pete Hoefling (June 8, 2020). "Introducing The SCG Tour Online!".

External links[ | ]
