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Stronghold Confessor
A Cabal Confessor
Race Human
Birthplace Dominaria
Lifetime Mending Era

Sadage is a cleric of the Cabal, a dark and devoted sect in Dominaria.[1]

Description[ | ]

Sadage is dressed in the ceremonial garb typical of his order, with gloves that he keeps on even when handling mystical and dangerous objects. His attire is suited to the dark, foreboding environment of the Cabal's Stronghold, reflecting his high status within the cult. Sadage is deeply loyal to Belzenlok, the Scion of Darkness, and shows unwavering dedication to his dark master. He is stern and disciplined, controlling his emotions and those around him. His interactions with subordinates reveal a strict adherence to the Cabal's dogma and an expectation of the same from others. He is not afraid to exercise his authority ruthlessly, and his demeanor is one of controlled menace, driven by a desire to please Belzenlok and secure his place within the Cabal's hierarchy.

History[ | ]

Sadage's significant deed in the narrative involves his reception of the legendary Blackblade from Needle, an agent of the Cabal. This sword believed to be a soul-drinker forged by Dakkon Blackblade, carried a dark miasma and was said to have been used to kill the elder dragon Piru. Sadage attempted to subvert the legend, by saying the blade had been forged by Belzenlok, not Dakkon Blackblade, and that it was the demon and not the planeswalker that had slain the elder dragon with it. Needle accepted this change in the Blade's story. Sadage's task was to present this powerful artifact to Belzenlok as a facilitator of the Cabal's sinister rituals and ceremonies. His execution of Needle as a "reward" for her service underscores his role in maintaining the Cabal's fearsome reputation and his ambition to attain the favor of Belzenlok.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Return to Dominaria: Episode 1 Martha Wells 2018-03-21 Dominaria Dominaria Sadage, Needle, Dakkon Blackblade, Belzenlok, Jhoira, Hadi, Ziva, Gideon, Liliana, Nissa, Chandra, Raven Man, Josu Vess, Ana

References[ | ]

  1. Martha Wells (March 21, 2018). "Return to Dominaria, Episode 1". Wizards of the Coast.