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Seth Manfield
Seth Manfield
Born September 14, 1991
Residence Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
Nationality {USA} American
Professional Career
Pro Tour debut Pro Tour Geneva 2007
Top Finishes 12 (4 wins)
GP top 8s 17 (5 wins)
Hall of Fame
World Champion
PT Champion

Seth Manfield is an American professional player and former World Champion; he won the 2015 World Championship.

Professional play[ | ]

He also has five Grand Prix wins as well as five Pro Tour top eights, including wins at Pro Tour Ixalan in 2017 and PT Karlov Manor in 2024. His other top eight appearances were at PT Fate Reforged, where he finished in sixth-place, at PT Shadows over Innistrad, where he finished third, and at PT Hour of Devastation, where he finished eighth. He came close to becoming the 2015–16 Player of the Year, but was overtaken by Owen Turtenwald when the latter finished second at the last Pro Tour of the year, PT Eldritch Moon. In 2017–18, he again missed the Player of the Year title: his lead was tied at the last event of the season, Grand Prix Stockholm, by Luis Salvatto, and eventually lost in the playoff between the two.

In 2018, Manfield was voted into the Hall of Fame, and later that year, it was announced that he would be one of the 32 players joining the upcoming 2019 Magic Pro League, and would be one of six players to be in the MPL for all its seasons. Finishing in the Top 4 in the 2021 season, he was rewarded with a place in the 2021 World Championship.

League play[ | ]

Season Rank
2019 Magic Pro League 3
2020 Magic Pro League 12
2020-21 Magic Pro League 4
2021–22 Magic Pro League 23

Accomplishments[ | ]

Season Event type Location Format Date Rank
2007 Grand Prix Daytona Beach Limited 17–18 November 2007 1
2013–14 Grand Prix Kansas City Modern 6–7 July 2013 1
2013–14 Grand Prix Toronto Limited 30 November–1 December 2013 5
2013–14 Grand Prix Dallas Standard 7–8 December 2013 7
2014–15 Grand Prix Ottawa Standard 22–23 November 2014 1
2014–15 Pro Tour Washington, D.C. Modern and Booster Draft 6–8 February 2015 6
2015–16 Worlds Seattle Special 27–30 August 2015 1
2015–16 Grand Prix Albuquerque Limited 16–17 April 2016 4
2015–16 Pro Tour Madrid Standard and Booster Draft 22–24 April 2016 3
2015–16 Grand Prix New York Standard 7–8 May 2016 1
2015–16 Grand Prix San Jose, Costa Rica Standard 4–5 June 2016 1
2015–16 Grand Prix Sydney Limited 30–31 July 2016 4
2016–17 Grand Prix Providence Standard 22–23 October 2016 2
2016–17 Grand Prix Denver Standard 3–4 November 2016 8
2016–17 Pro Tour Kyoto Standard and Booster Draft 28–30 July 2017 8
2017–18 Pro Tour Team Series Boston Team Limited 8 October 2017 2
2017–18 Pro Tour Albuquerque Standard and Booster Draft 3–5 November 2017 1
2017–18 Grand Prix Oklahoma City Modern 9–10 December 2017 4
2017–18 Grand Prix New Jersey Limited 16–17 December 2017 2
2017–18 Grand Prix London Limited 27–28 January 2018 3
2017–18 Grand Prix Toronto Team Constructed 19–20 May 2018 2
2017–18 Grand Prix Richmond Standard 1–2 September 2018 4
2018–19 Grand Prix Milwaukee Standard 17–18 November 2018 6
2018–19 Mythic Championship Long Beach (MTG Arena) Standard 6-8 December 2019 6
2020 Worlds Honolulu Standard and Booster Draft 14-16 February 2020 3
2020 Mythic Invitational MTG Arena Historic September 10-13, 2020 1
2020 Grand Finals MTG Arena Standard and Historic 9-11 October 2020 7
2020–21 Split Championship MTG Arena Standard and Historic June 4-6, 2021 7
2023–24 Pro Tour Chicago Pioneer and Booster Draft 23–25 February 2024 1
2023–24 Pro Tour Amsterdam Modern and Booster Draft June 28-30, 2024 8


Pro Tour Results[ | ]

List of the Pro Tour results and winnings of Seth Manfield
Season Pro Tour Format Finish Winnings
2007 Geneva Booster Draft 72 $430
2008 Worlds (Memphis) Special 13 $5,000
2009 Kyoto Standard and Booster Draft 84
2009 Honolulu Block Constructed and Booster Draft 59 $560
2011 Philadelphia Modern and Booster Draft 56 $590
2013–14 Theros in Dublin Standard and Booster Draft 50 $1,500
2013–14 Born of the Gods in Valencia Modern and Booster Draft 279
2013–14 Journey into Nyx in Atlanta Block Constructed and Booster Draft 66 $1,000
2013–14 Magic 2015 in Portland Standard and Booster Draft 149
2014–15 Khans of Tarkir in Honolulu Standard and Booster Draft 106
2014–15 Fate Reforged in Washington, D.C. Modern and Booster Draft 6 $10,000
2014–15 Dragons of Tarkir in Brussels Standard and Booster Draft 16 $5,000
2014–15 Magic Origins in Vancouver Standard and Booster Draft 43 $1,500
2015–16 Battle for Zendikar in Milwaukee Standard and Booster Draft 26 $1,500
2015–16 Oath of the Gatewatch in Atlanta Modern and Booster Draft 116
2015–16 Shadows over Innistrad in Madrid Standard and Booster Draft 3 $12,500
2015–16 Eldritch Moon in Sydney Standard and Booster Draft 149
2016–17 Kaladesh in Honolulu Standard and Booster Draft 204
2016–17 Aether Revolt in Dublin Standard and Booster Draft 86
2016–17 Amonkhet in Nashville Standard and Booster Draft 17 $3,000
2016–17 Hour of Devastation in Kyoto Standard and Booster Draft 8 $6,000
2017–18 Ixalan in Albuquerque Standard and Booster Draft 1 $50,000
2017–18 Rivals of Ixalan in Bilbao Modern and Booster Draft 366
2017–18 Dominaria in Richmond Standard and Booster Draft 68
2017–18 25th Anniversary in Minneapolis Team Constructed 33 $2,000
2018–19 Guilds of Ravnica in Atlanta Standard and Booster Draft 93
2018–19 Mythic Championship Cleveland 2019 Standard and Booster Draft 34 $1,500
2018–19 Mythic Championship VII Traditional Standard 6 $12,500


External links[ | ]
