MTG Wiki

Shattering of Madara
Talon Gates of Madara
Event Information
Era Mythohistory
Date c. -15,000 AR
Location Dominaria
Characters Nicol Bolas, Demonic Leviathan
Storyline sources The Art of Magic: The Gathering - War of the Spark[1],
Future Sight[2]
Fall of the Numena Shattering of Madara Signing of the Guildpact

The Shattering of Madara was an event during the last part of the Mythohistory of Dominaria.

History[ | ]

Long after the Elder Dragon War, Nicol Bolas fought a Demonic Leviathan planeswalker on the still-young plane of Dominaria. The fight lasted a month, reduced Madara to a third of its original size, and created the first temporal rift. In the end, the dragon relied upon his touch to defeat his foe. After the battle Bolas feasted on the remains of the leviathan for over a year, absorbing its power in the process. When he finished, naught was left besides what eventually became known as the Talon Gates and an assortment of blubber.[1]

Notes and references[ | ]
