MTG Wiki

Shawn Main was the runner up of The Great Designer Search 2 in 2010. From April 2011 to February 2012 he worked as an intern in R&D with the Magic digital group at Wizards of the Coast.[1] Afterwards he became a full-time regular designer.[2] In March 2015 he became a Senior Game Designer, but two years later he left the company for a job at Riot Games.[3]

Conspiracy was a brainchild of Shawn. It combined two of his loves - drafting and multiplayer play.[4]

Designing[ | ]

Developing[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Mark Rosewater (March 09, 2011). "Announcing the Winner of the GDS2". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Mark Rosewater (February 29, 2012). "How many of the GDS1 & 2 contestants are still working at Wizards?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  3. Mark Rosewater (October 17, 2017). "When did Shawn Main leave Wizards?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  4. Mark Rosewater (October 22, 2022). "What can you tell me about the conspiracy sets?". Blogatog. Tumblr.