MTG Wiki

Creature Type
(Subtype for creature/kindred cards)
1 card
{artifact symbol} 100%
as of Unfinity
Scryfall Search

Sketch is an acorn creature subtype created by D00-DL, Caricaturist.

Sketches have unique abilities based on the art created by the player within a 15-second time limit.

History[ | ]

Sketch debuted as a creature type in Unfinity.

Currently, only one token has the Sketch subtype.

Tokens[ | ]

Token Name Color Type Line P/T Text Box Source Printings
Sketch Colorless Creature — Sketch 4/4 This creature has flying if it has wings in its art. The same is true for first strike and a sword, vigilance and a shield, menace and mean eyes, trample and horns, deathtouch and claws, lifelink and fangs, and haste and footwear.

Trivia[ | ]
