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Race Elf Zombie
Birthplace Undercity, Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Storrev is an Devkarin elven lich and leader of the Erstwhile, a zombie faction within the Golgari Swarm of Ravnica.

History[ | ]

Storrev is adept at the politics of court, and she is feared for her power to transform dead beasts into undead horrors.[1] In the period leading up to the War of the Spark, the Golgari used the Erstwhile as servants. When Vraska came after the guildmaster Jarad vod Savo, Storrev turned tables on her master and joined Vraska's alliance.[2]

As Mazirek was the one who had awakened the Erstwhile, none of them - even free-willed liches like Storrev - could disobey a direct order or refuse a question from him. However, when Mazirek formed an alliance with Nicol Bolas and betrayed Vraska, Storrev misled him and had him killed by a Rakdos Comedy Troupe.[3]

Storrev remains an ally of Vraska because the gorgon had freed the Erstwhile and had given them Mazirek, who had been their tormentor, to kill.[4]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Gathering Storm: Chapter Two Django Wexler 2019-06-12 Guilds of Ravnica / Ravnica Allegiance Ravnica Jarad vod Savo, Storrev, Jarga, Vraska, Mazirek, Xeddick, Kaya, Teysa Karlov, Tomik Vrona
The Gathering Storm: Chapter Four Django Wexler 2019-06-26 Guilds of Ravnica / Ravnica Allegiance Ravnica Ral Zarek, Tomik Vrona, Niv-Mizzet, Hellas Vitria, Lazav, Millena, Vraska, Storrev, Jarga, Izoni, Xeddick, Gloomplug, Emmara Tandris (mentioned), Borborygmos (mentioned), Hekara
The Gathering Storm: Chapter Nine Django Wexler 2019-08-07 Guilds of Ravnica / Ravnica Allegiance Ravnica Ral, Tomik Vrona, Hekara, Lavinia, Kaya, Teysa Karlov, Mazirek, Vraska, Storrev, Nicol Bolas
The Gathering Storm: Chapter Sixteen Django Wexler 2019-09-25 Guilds of Ravnica / Ravnica Allegiance Ravnica, Unknown plane Ral, Tomik Vrona, Nicol Bolas, Vraska, Mazirek, Storrev
The Gathering Storm: Chapter Eighteen Django Wexler 2019-10-09 Guilds of Ravnica / Ravnica Allegiance Ravnica Ral, Niv-Mizzet, Vraska, Storrev, Nicol Bolas
The Gathering Storm: Chapter Twenty Django Wexler 2019-10-23 Guilds of Ravnica / Ravnica Allegiance Ravnica Ral, Kaya, Hekara, Lavinia, Vraska, Nicol Bolas, Mazirek, Storrev, Brutus, Tezzeret, Niv-Mizzet
War of the Spark: Ravnica—Desperate Operatives Greg Weisman 2019-05-29 War of the Spark Ravnica Rat, Kaya, Teyo, Nissa, Rhonas, Boruvo, Emmara Tandris, Trostani, Gan Shokta, Borborygmos, Ari Shokta, Ral, Storrev, Azdomas, Izoni, Varolz, Cevraya, Mazirek (mentioned), Vraska, Ajani, Khazi, Yanling, Yanggu, Mowu, Huatli

References[ | ]

Represented in:

References[ | ]

  1. James Wyatt and Jeremy Crawford (November 2018). "D&D Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica", Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Django Wexler (June 12, 2019), The Gathering Storm, Chapter Two, Del Rey.
  3. Django Wexler (October 23, 2019), The Gathering Storm, Chapter Twenty, Del Rey.
  4. Greg Weisman (April 2019). "War of the Spark: Ravnica". Del Rey.