MTG Wiki

Gallery Highlights[]

Artwork Quality Relevance Description Replace?
Black Lotus Medium Very High Iconic card from Magic. Only to improve quality.
Black Lotus alt High High An alternate version of the Black Lotus showcases a refinement in style. Not recommended
Brass Man Low Low Used to showcase his lack of backgrounds. To improve quality or relevance
Chronatog High High Artwork showcases how he uses the background to focus on the central image. Also a pretty iconic card for him that's not from Alpha. Not recommended
Chronatog Totem High High Time Spiral update/homage. Actually showcases how little his style has changed over the years. Not recommended
Knights of Thorn Medium Medium Has the comic book qualities and illustrates a lot of the early Magic "memorable" crap cards. To improve quality or relevance
Niall Silvain High Medium Has the comic book qualities and illustrates a lot of the early Magic "memorable" crap cards. To improve quality or relevance
Wellwisher Medium High Vividly showcases his comic book style To improve quality

Use this as a quick way to determine which artworks need improvement or replacement.
