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Race Elf
Birthplace Argoth, Terisiare, Dominaria
Lifetime Brothers' War-Dark Age
The Colors of Magic

Temken was an elven mage from Argoth, part of the continent of Terisiare on Dominaria.

History[ | ]

Temken was an elf who was gathering Survivors of the Brothers' War to travel west to find a new home. A century after the Sylex Blast, he came to a dark bayou, which was gripped by a malevolent shadow being that leeched hope and willpower from the bayou's residents. There, Temken met Gwenna, who even a century after the Sylex Blast was plagued by guilt over her role in the disaster. Gwenna mourned the loss of Argoth, Titania, and Gaea, but Temken showed Gwenna that Gaea was not dead - her magic was still part of the land, even inside the dark bayou. [1]

Temken showed Gwenna that he could make beautiful orchids sprout naturally by using the magic of Gaea, but the dark shadow of the swamp resisted, attacking Temken with a wave of darkness and unease. Weakened, but not defeated, Temken was guided to Gwenna's village of Survivors, many of whom Temken recognized as having lived on Argoth. He knew now that the spirit was a being of evil who fed on despair, so he again cast a life-giving spell, making an orchid bloom, and imprinting on Gwenna the importance of community, hope, and the worship of life-giving magic. [1]

Once more the shadow roiled against the, but this time Gwenna stopped it, trapping it inside herself even as the other villagers gathered and left with Temken. He thanked Gwenna for her sacrifice and told her that her selfless act had absolved her of all her former sins. Temken then led the larger band of Survivors away from the bayou forever.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Setting (plane) Featuring
The Colors of Magic Jess Lebow and various February 1999 Dominaria Kotara, Sabul Hajeen, Axdan Hajeen, Multam Ilmiera, Tartesk Hajeen, Yirtag Ilmiera, Eskander Ilmiera, Otori Ilmiera, Ferren Tynlo, Finroy, Rhindle, Evara, Jerod, Duke Devareux, Thaddeus, Shaboo, Lord Rothchild, Lady Rothchild, Lord Barsus, Sir Udo, Ariel, Jorgensen, Joren Homdallson, Edgur, Artulle, Riliana, Meckie, Embric, Dare, Phreus, Perrick, Aga, Penkin, Tanton, Varno, Adal, Temken, Gwenna, Armand Ar-basinno, Latavino Bar-bassanti, Squee, Sarapinna Machieve, Krank, Fizzer, Druze, Quilk, Farf, Elkan, Groth Jonar, Varchild, Lavash, Jel, Tramas, Michand, Tayva and Loria, Brucius, Tomaya, Ebnezzer, Winton, Crucias, Gheiri, Elgia, Nunieve, Biggs, Damon, Sabra, Jervis, Annarais, Wane, Dumoss, Annise, Feldon, Loran, Drafna, Hurkyl (mentioned), the Archimandrite (mentioned)

References[ | ]

  1. a b c Loren L. Coleman, Jess Lebow, ed. (1999.) "A Song Out of Darkness", The Colors of Magic, Wizards of the Coast