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Text-changing effects change the text appearing in text box, type line, or name of a card. These effects are informally known as hacks or word-changers.

Description[ | ]

Text-changing effects replace each instance of a characteristic, of a permanent, or of a spell, with another of the same genus (e.g., color) or type (e.g., basic land subtype, creature subtype). Text-changing effects are considered exclusively within blue magic according to the historic and current understanding of the color pie, and all cards with a text-changing effect to date have been blue except one.[1]

The prevalence of this ability has been reduced from "rare" to "functionally unused" as color and land hate have become less blunt and overbearing in gameplay.

The term "hacks" has been recognized by at least Fifth Edition, by the Glossary of the Magic: The Gathering Official Strategy Guide.

Rules[ | ]

From the glossary of the Comprehensive Rules (November 8, 2024—Magic: The Gathering Foundations)

Text-Changing Effect
A continuous effect that changes the text that appears in an object’s text box and/or type line. See rule 612, “Text-Changing Effects.”

From the Comprehensive Rules (November 8, 2024—Magic: The Gathering Foundations)

  • 612. Text-Changing Effects
    • 612.1. Some continuous effects change an object’s text. This can apply to any words or symbols printed on that object, but generally affects only that object’s rules text (which appears in its text box) and/or the text that appears in its type line. Such an effect is a text-changing effect.
    • 612.2. A text-changing effect changes only those words that are used in the correct way (for example, a Magic color word being used as a color word, a land type word used as a land type, or a creature type word used as a creature type). An effect that changes a color word or a subtype can’t change a card name, even if that name contains a word or a series of letters that is the same as a Magic color word, basic land type, or creature type.
      • 612.2a Most spells and abilities that create creature tokens use creature types to define both the creature types and the names of the tokens. A text-changing effect that affects such a spell or an object with such an ability can change these words because they’re being used as creature types, even though they’re also being used as names.
    • 612.3. Effects that add or remove abilities don’t change the text of the objects they affect, so any abilities that are granted to an object can’t be modified by text-changing effects that affect that object.
    • 612.4. A token’s subtypes and rules text are defined by the spell or ability that created the token. A text-changing effect that affects a token can change these characteristics.
    • 612.5. One card (Exchange of Words) instructs a player to exchange the text boxes of two objects. This replaces all of the rules text of each object with the rules text of the other object. (In games involving certain cards that aren’t covered by these rules, other elements of the text box may also be exchanged. See rule 100.7.)
    • 612.6. One card (Volrath’s Shapeshifter) states that an object has the “full text” of another object. This changes not just the text that appears in the object’s text box and type line, but also changes the text that represents its name, mana cost, color indicator, power, and toughness.
    • 612.7. One card (Spy Kit) states that an object has “all names of nonlegendary creature cards.” This changes the text that represents the object’s name. That object has the name of each nonlegendary creature card in the Oracle card reference. (See rule 108.1.)
    • 612.8. Some cards create a continuous effect that sets the name of an object. This changes the text that represents the object’s name. That object loses any names it had and has only the specified name.
    • 612.9. A name sticker on a permanent or on a card not on the battlefield creates a continuous effect that adds a word to the text that represents the object’s name. (See rule 123.6.)
    • 612.10. A splice ability changes a spell’s text by adding the rules text of the card with splice to the spell, following that spell’s own rules text. It doesn’t modify or replace any of that spell’s own text. (See rule 702.47, “Splice.”)

List of text-changing effects[ | ]

Color word hacks[ | ]

Four cards can change a color word to another:

Note that this ability is functionally different from those of color changers.

Basic land subtype hacks[ | ]

One card can change a basic land subtype to another:

Color word and/or basic land subtype hacks[ | ]

Five cards can change a color word to another or a basic land subtype to another:

Creature subtype hacks[ | ]

Two cards can change a creature subtype with another:

Other hacks[ | ]

See also[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Mark Rosewater (June 5, 2017). "Mechanical Color Pie 2017". Wizards of the Coast.